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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the framework of the project, teachers from primary school in Psary will leave abroad for a two-week basic English course and a computer technology assisted learning course. The trainings will take part in England and Malta from July to October 2016.The project will implement the following objectives, according to Erasmus+ program aims:1. Improvement of occupational qualifications of the school employees and their language skills,2. Broadening the skills of using new technologies in teaching and international cooperation3. Strengthening the European dimension of the school and its international range4. Encouraging the students to ceaseless learning5. Promoting language diversity and intercultural awareness and basics of openness and tolerationEight teachers will take part in the project (both women and men) covering a broad subject spectrum. The participation of the school's headmaster will assure the project to be efficiently managed and will engage the whole school.The participants will take part in the following trainings:1. General English Course - 7 persons2. Technology Enhanced Learning Course – 1 personPrior to the project realization a survey was conducted to select and appoint the project participants. The survey was created to clearly determine competence and training needs of potential participants, and to ensure each employee an equal chance to participate in the project. Both students and their parents were included in a survey to assess current offer and expectations from the school, which was one of the data source to create European School Development Plan. From among the project participants key employees (and a coordinator), who will be responsible to create the grant application and the project, monitoring and evaluation, were chosen.The school's preparation will include the selection of foreign schools and courses, organization of accommodation and transport, language and cultural preparation of the participants.During the project realization each participant will keep detailed record of gained knowledge, established connexions and ideas. Furthermore, the participant will collect training materials which could be later used during lessons.After the project is finished, the teachers will present a report from their visit abroad to the headmaster and the teachers'council. Within the open lessons and subject team meetings the participants will share their knowledge and information about the project with the remaining school's employees and with teachers from other schools within district area.In the framework of evaluation process, a survey researching the level of participants'satisfaction and a final test measuring acquired skills will be conducted. After 12 months from the end of project, a survey among students and their parents, measuring their satisfaction from implemented changes due to the project realization, will be carried.The project will result in the following:1. Increase of teachers', who teach other subjects than English, language competence. All teachers will achieve A2+ level of English language knowledge allowing them to conduct conversations on simple topics, write emails and understand records in normal pace. It will influence on their communication abilities during future international projects.Moreover, the teachers will be able to use English language sources of knowledge and participate in online trainings, which will enrich their lesson with interesting materials and new methods.2. Increase of the use of new technologies. English language teachers will gain knowledge on how to use modern teaching tools in the classroom (Internet websites, on-line publications, computer software, etc.), which will influence the attractiveness of their lessons and increase students'motivation.3. Establishment of international cooperation.Teachers will establish connexions with other participants, and will acquire language abilities allowing them to use eTwinning platform. In the future, the knowledge of English language will increase among the students, which will be observed with the increase of students number participating in English language competitions. Also, both the inner and outer exam results will improve. Students will increase their educational and professional chances, which is especially vital for children from rural areas.The project will also contribute to the popularization of openness, toleration and respect for the diversity among students.
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