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Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Private Primary School of Computer Science and Languages in Bialystok is an educational institution whose aim is to provide high quality education for gifted pupils. This is possible owing to well educated teachers who want to develop their language competences and who can work with children. As a language school we pay particular attention to providing the teachers with the possibility to broaden their qualifications. Therefore, the aim of the project is to increase the education level of gifted students owing to the increase in teachers’ competences and the exchange of international experience. Our objective is to create the school as a lifelong learning institution. The project has been planned in three phases of execution 1. Planning phase a). formulating the school’s development program b). diagnosing the needs of the project participants in terms of knowledge and competences c). holding preparatory classes for course participants d). undertaking adequate actions by the coordinator in order to ensure proper preparation for the exchange 2. implementation phase: participation of teachers in courses a). getting the participants ready for departure (project coordinator) b). signing contracts with teachers (president) c). participation of English teachers in methodological courses in the field of improving their classroom competence skills and innovational methods of working with children. This will raise, the teacher and student’s language competences which will satisfy the school’s needs in the area. d). partial evaluation conducted halfway through the project, which will assess the strong and weak aspects of its execution. 3. ending phase of the project a). final evaluation, the goal of which is to recognize the needs and achieved goals executed with the help of selected methods. b). circulating the achieved goals of the project in the local environment Number of participants: 7 The participants’ profile: -two English teachers who work with gifted students; whose objective is developing language competences in children. -two early-development teachers who work with gifted students; whose objective is developing key competences in children. -two subject teachers and a headperson who work with gifted students; whose objective is overall student development. Criteria of teacher selection is, above all, work in the school team creating the school development program. The methodology used during the implementation of the project mainly consists of qualitative analysis. In order to evaluate the project, we are going to use: -individual teacher interviews, -structured interview, -evaluative project questionnaires, -observations. Expected results for the participants: - increase in qualifications, - better understanding of educational policy and systems in the EU countries, - being open to international cooperation, - better quality work resulting in higher level of education, thus meeting pupils' needs and systematic increase in their knowledge, Influence of the project on the applying institution: - better possibility to act at the European level, - positive changes in the organisation and readiness to apply good practices, The project shall influence other groups, e.g. pupils' parents by the increase in the awereness of the children's needs, increase in the enjoyment level caused by higher quality of education as well as local environment by fostering international cooperation. Actions carried out in order to share the results of the project beyond the institution are as follows: 1. presentations including new ideas, methods and techniques of work with a pupil shall be presented for the teachers in Białystok and all interested parties by placing the materials at the school website, 2. organisation of a training for teachers from Białystok, which shall present the results and good practices from the European institutions, 3. preparation of information leaflets and posters including the aims, actions and results concerning the international exchange. Long term benefits include: teachers' higher motivation and satisfaction referring to their everyday work, fostering cooperation with foreign institutions, more effective work with pupils.
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