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Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Educating attitude, enterprising futures & encouraging multi-disciplinary collaboration and youth entrepreneurship -To live of what you love, where you love to live!NoCry2 aims to encourage and promote youth entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial approach and multidisciplinary collaboration, with the overall objective to increase the potential for growth and employment in rural and remote areas of the northern periphery, using the creative industry as a catalyst to create better conditions and business opportunities for young creative entrepreneurs and SMEs.NoCry2 will form creative clusters based on needs and competences and encourage niche young entrepreneurs/companies in the creative industries to cross-collaborate, adding value to each other through the contribution of complementary skills. This innovative approach to creative youth entrepreneurship is expected to see materialize new and innovative products and services, which will allow the entrepreneurs to broaden and diversify their portfolios, thus strengthening their competitiveness and ability to meet the demands of the market and potential new clients with knowledge and multi-skills solutions.The expected main outcome of the project is a business support service for young entrepreneurs in the creative industries, developed especially for and in collaboration with them, built on (the knowledge gained from) the activities carried out during the course of the project; tested, assessed and adjusted according to the needs expressed by the actual target group. A combination of online interaction and face2face meetings will be used to encourage and facilitate multidisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector knowledge exchange. The service will consist of three elements: the Real Factor, the Cloud Creative Community and the Integral tools briefcase; a combination of real-life activities/interaction, ICT and new media, and a basic methodology for encouraging and promoting creative youth entrepreneurship.Aim & Objectives:The aim of NoCry 2 is to encourage youth entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial approach and multidisciplinary collaboration to be able to live of what you love, where you love to live. No Cry II promotes the potential for growth and employment by using the creative industry as a CATALYST to create better conditions and business opportunities for young creative individuals/niche companies and SMEs.The goal is to diversify and broaden young entrepreneurs product and service portfolios, thus strengthening their competitiveness and ability to meet the demand of the market and potential clients with complementary knowledge and multi-skills solutions; consequently contributing to and being part of the social, cultural and environmental development and economic growth of the region, generated through this rural and remote viability.NoCry2 will promote the potential of the creative industry, facilitate knowledge exchange and transfer to increase the collaborative opportunities for multiple cross- border/sectors by encouraging/influencing/inspiring the northern creative youth to create regional as well as trans- and/or international creative business clusters/communities and constructively connect and co-create with like- minds in the rest of the world with the overall objective to increase the potential and nurture economic growth, employment and creative talent in rural and remote areas of the Northern Periphery. Achievements: The first phases of identification of young entrepreneurs, competences, needs and expectations are done. The findings and knowledge gained is taken into account in the activity planning and the conceptualization of the alternative business service development process.A prototype for the business support service; an interactive multi web-shop is under development, designed for many different businesses in accordance with the needs and requests of the young entrepreneurs, the first version estimates to be release in May 2013.Creative clusters are formed in all regions. The numbers of young entrepreneurs joining the clusters and communities are increasing regularly and new regional and transnational group formations and cross-collaborations occur constantly. NOCRY2 CLOUD: The Cloud Creative Community established as a closed Facebook community for on-line collaboration between existing youth clusters /community members, partly connected and integrated with the projects other social media channels (March 2013 = 100 members, started February 2012 with 22 members)The young creative entrepreneurs are actively invited to influence the decisions that shape the project, they are encouraged to get involved in the very core of the process of developing the project.Two International Seminar/Gatherings have taken place with participants from Norway, Finland, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Sweden. Open public and on-line seminars and virtual-interaction in correlation. As an outcome example from the business workshops in the international gathering in Norway, one entrepreneur from Northern Ireland met an entrepreneur from Finland, a new cross-collaboration was initiated and resulted in a brand new business idea and a product that they are developing now.Various workshops/ tutorials/ coaching session have been made with, by and for the entrepreneurs/ students/ young creatives involved, both with gatherings face to face as well as meetings and trainings simultaneously connected for virtually cross-border interactions during the course of the project. The entrepreneurs, partners and experts has business coached each other, with themes like creative entrepreneurship, cross-business collaboration, business and personal development. By also growing the concept of cloud creative community and the experimentation of ICT solutions, an increased knowledge and common business approach are shown, which has helped their businesses forward. E.g. the entrepreneurs learned how to decrease the PR-budget and still reach out to more customers and increased the sales.During the NPP Annual Conference Transfor(u)m 2012. Young entrepreneurs formed a new transnational cluster and took on the assignment to jointly planning, arranging and executing a side event with the aim to gather the youth delegates from the other NPP projects participating in the conference as well as visualizing and presenting the young peoples visions of the future. The young entrepreneurs closed the annual conference by presenting an animated film and a song created of the vision of the future-comments from the creatives participating in the side-event.Transfor(u)m2012 facebook site: Established as a channel for information, pre-communication and cross-collaboration between the project, the secretariat and the youth delegates from the other NPP projects participating in the NOCRY2´s side-event at the NPP Annual Conference.The NPP Annual Conference site developed by a NoCry2 entrepreneur and the animation created by an entrepreneur at the Nerve Centre, Northern Ireland.StudioNoCry-Norway: A regional multi arena for/with creative youth was officially opened in Harstad, Norway in February 2013. As the start of a new experimental cross-collaboration project between Troms yrkesopplæringskontor, the Youth House-Plastelina, NoCry2 partners and the young creatives involved in the project. The new project is supported by e.g. the municipality of Harstad, Norway.A business hub for/with young entrepreneur was started in Sundsvall, Sweden in November 2012, initiated by NoCry2 and one of the youth companies involved in project. In mars 2013 the hub is run by the entrepreneurs themselves, supported e.g. by the Municipality of Sundsvall, Sweden.
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  • 58%   575 480,39
  • 2007 - 2013 Northern Periphery
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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3 Partners Participants