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Noch mehr Europa wagen - Internationalisierung der FOS Fürth
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Over the last couple of years our school has become more international: Together with English, Spanish and French have become an integral part of the school curriculum. In 2015 the new branch “International Business” was introduced, with our school being amongst the first schools in Bavaria to provide this opportunity. It is also worth mentioning that in recent years about 50 students and teachers in each school year took part in various foreign projects, which not only have become more popular among students but are also important in defining our school profile.We are convinced that promoting this development is the right thing to do in a Europe that is growing closer together. Experience has shown that such activities, ranging from typical school exchange programmes to internships at companies abroad, not only motivate students to improve their language skills but also have a positive influence on the soft skills of students and teachers alike. That`s why we want to take advantage of KEY ACTION 1 within ERASMUS + programme to support our school in becoming more international.Within this project, up to 12 colleagues will get the chance to take part in training courses abroad or visiting foreign partner schools. School administration in agreement with those responsible for the project will appoint suitable teachers, preferring language teachers, multiplicators and heads of departments. In the first place the participating teachers will profit by enhancing their individual skills and knowledge. Furthermore, the KA-1 activities mentioned in this proposal will make a significant contribution to improving quality development at our school.The proposed activities and their goals:1. Up to four colleagues will get the chance to take part in training courses abroad.2. Desired goals of the eight job-shadowing measures at the four partner schools are:a) We want to be inspired by new ideas on how to plan and optimize school lessons.b) We want to pick up concrete suggestions on how to carry out bilingual lessons (especially in the new branch International Business).c) We want to get an idea how other schools manage similar school development processes.d) We want to cultivate and intensify existing contacts with partner schools.In view of our efforts to increase internationalization, we hope that more teachers at our school get involved in such projects in the future. Together with our partners, we want to draw up joint plans that will include strategies on how we can work together even closer. We are happy to pass on our experiences and results, so that e.g. teachers at other schools can profit.

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