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No boundaries, no exclusion - 3rd chapter
Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

Sport and games have been one of the most common tools for sharing and learning universal rules such as fair play, team spirit, mutual respect and representation of a country in a positive way. Balkan countries such as Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro have been successful in many team and individual sports. But taking into consideration a turbulent recent past in the Balkans, sport events and competitions influenced extreme supporters and hooligans to express violent behavior toward the opponent team supporters causing material damage and physical injuries, and at the same time sending very negative picture about reconciliation in the Balkans. "No boundaries, no exclusion - 3rd chapter" - peer education training will be organized in Nis, Serbia from 02.09.-09.09.2011 involving young people from 8 European countries – Spain, Greece, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia and Turkey. TC offers participants opportunity to experience the value of the intercultural training and will build their capacities and competence on peer educator’s skills, tolerance and inclusion of the youth from socially excluded groups through different tools of non-formal education such as sports and games, intercultural workshops as well as the workshops on facilitation of workshops, group dynamics and learning process, and influence them to become more active citizens in their communities fighting discrimination and raising awareness of difficult situation of young people coming from vulnerable groups. One segment of TC will be dedicated to fair play and non-violent support for the favorite teams, promoting good neighborly relations in the region. Basic skills for peer education method of work will allow participants to transfer the knowledge and information to their peers in their respective countries. The participants will also gain basic knowledge about Youth in Action program and possibilities the program offers. Finally, TC will network young people on European level.

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  •   13 706,00
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Cooperation with neighbouring partner countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

7 Partners Participants