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New Methods of Evaluating Students' Performance in the Vocational Training System

The project will test new methods of teacher and student assessment relevant to key skills and competencies in vocational education amongst nine project partners in six countries. The core assessment components to be covered will include self-assessment (printed and electronic versions), project assessment, portfolio assessment, teacher assessment (internet/intranet-based), diploma work assessment and the assessment of practical work (professional practice). A questionnaire-based situation analysis on assessment methods in each of the partner countries will be undertaken by the partners. On the basis of results from the situational analysis, different types of assessment will be tested in paired partner countries over a period of months and involving a range of social partnerships (employers, vocational institutions, teacher training colleges, researchers). Results from the pilot testing and evaluation of different assessment methods will be disseminated as a 'knowledge base' on new methods for assessment in VET systems and will comprise the following tangible products: a printed course book on the new assessment methods; a printed and electronic workbook on practices which were finalised on the basis of pilot testing of new assessment methods; a web-page about the project and its outputs; an electronic documentation system on new assessment methods; an electronic examination system for student and teacher-based assessment. All project partners will be responsible for disseminating the end project results.
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