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NEW EXPERIENCES IN THE TRADITIONAL AREAS BETWEEN THE DRAVA, MURA AND ZALA RIVERS Nova doživetja na tradicionalnih območjih med dravo, muro in zalo / Új élmények a Dráva-Mura-Zala megye által határolt nagy hagyományú területen (DOŽIVETJA TRADICIJE)
Start date: May 31, 2009, End date: May 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In order to preserve the traditional culinary heritage such as typical characteristic types of wine and food and a rich cultural heritage in the project area between the Drava, Mura and Zala rivers, a tourist facility needs to be developed which will stir up the tourists’ interest in buying traditional high quality tourist crops and products as well as using the services. The aim of project is to connect the providers on the basis of the performed marketing analysis and strategy, in order to achieve a greater long-term economic efficiency of appearing in the European markets and prepare a promotional plan, including the activities for the highest possible recognition of the traditional facility, characteristic of the project area. Expected Results: The performed marketing analysis; the organised providers of tourist products and services; - the preparation and implementation of education programmes for the providers of tourist crops, products and services, the wider local community, action groups and others who are interested in the project area; - the prepared common marketing strategy and promotional programme.
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  • 68%   501 619,45
  • 2007 - 2013 Slovenia - Hungary (SI - HU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants