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New Cross Border Initiatives in Management of Cultural Heritage Objects in the Territory of Latvian, Lithuanian and Belarusian Border Areas (Cross Kultur)

Due to similar geographical positioningand historic socio-economic developmenttendencies in LV, LT and BY borderterritories, Krāslava (LV), Švenčionys (LT)and Braslav (BY) towns have manysignificant common problems like socialand economical development, municipal infrastructure, culture protection, social issuesetc.The project will achieve integrated andefficient management of cultural heritagein Latvian, Lithuanian and Belarusian borderareas by combining development of naturalenvironment and cultural heritage objectswith regional development, using spatialplanning as a tool.The main results of the project are: transnationalresearch on cultural heritage; roundtables on culture heritage issues; feasibilitystudies and technical plans; public cleaningcampaigns; international artists’ workshops;children’s drawing contests and elaborationof international route on the castles andmanors of Baltic country of lakes.
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  • 75.1%   329 263,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Latvia - Lithuania - Belarus (LV-LT-BY)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

3 Partners Participants