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New Advisers

The recent inclusion of agro-ecology requires new skills from advisers and trainers. From a dynamic point of view, the adaptation and expansion of skills should be promoted by the internal diversity of technical teams and by the involvement of advisers in new channels and networks (ICT, peer groups, etc.). To increase effectiveness of advisors and trainers, greater value should be given to individual points of view (farmer, other stakeholders) and creativity and self-trust should be encouraged.European policies could strengthen the cross-compliance regulation and may substantially change the Farm Advisory Services (FAS). From this perspective, transnational projects on adapting the skills deployed by the agricultural advisory is necessary. ‘New Advisers’ was a mixed project which joined the goal of reducing pesticide, updating agronomic advice and training and connecting to other disciplines such as ergonomics, agro-economy, sociology of organisations, etc. In order to equip trainers and advisers with renewed tools and methods, declinable to different publics (beneficiaries or customers), and local situations, experiments were implemented in the eight partner countries: Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Hungary, Slovenia and France. In the eight partner countries, advisers themselves tested identical tools to solve agronomic problem-situations. Each partner examined thier own advisory methods, and their own specific problems that they meet. Successful transmission is achieved through practice, examples and testimonies: "Learning by doing" as much as through theory. The process is similiar to one of a group of farmers, who work together for the reconstruction of their crop systems while reducing pesticides. In the New Advisers project, it was the advisers and their agencies themselves who had to recompose their own practices. This project organised and gave value to some transfers between countries and organisations. All of the results can be found on the Adam site, there are docuements on analytical theory, practical guides and videos tutorials which can act as advisory tools. co-construction techniques are extremely important within all of these tools. Another type of result, perhaps a less visible one, is the multiple connections made at European and national levels, facilitating the setting-up of future transfer projects or cooperation initiatives.
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9 Partners Participants