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NEURONLINE : Creating on-line educational resources for a Life Long Learning Master of neuroscience
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The present project is aiming to implement an on-line master programme of Neuroscience (Neuron Line) providing Lifelong Learning for professionals and initial training for distant students. Part of the education programme will be available for specific update that can be certified by University Diploma. The project gathers a University consortium that partly exists already, and the recently created Mediterranean Neuroscience Society. The content will be focused on core and elective courses in Neuroscience. Four specialized tracks will give the choice between different levels of integration, or different domains of application. Importantly, a set of non-discipline-based courses will provide the trainees with transverse skills improving communication, management, writing, capacities as well as critical thinking and team work. The combination of high competences on recent, top level methods and concepts in Neuroscience, and transverse competences, will increase labour market relevance of the trainees. It will result in better opportunities for career prospects and employability. It will also enable private companies to adapt to market changes and update their methods and strategies. Teaching will be provided entirely on-line through a Moodle platform. Innovative practices and using diversify e-learning tools will foster the development of an original programme, facilitating transition between formal and non-formal education, and ultimately breaking the limits between work and learning. The pedagogical tools and methods used will promote a more flexible organization of teaching, without fixed time for learning. For practical training of students in initial training, the consortium will provide a network of laboratories expert in various topics and concepts of Neuroscience, and specialized in a broad array of up-to-date techniques. Activities will support and encourage both autonomy and team work spirit among the students. They will be asked to create learning tools, and to participate in peer-reviewing processes. They will initiate discussions on authentic problems they encounter in their professional activity, and they will seek for solutions in common. As a result, the students will learn from each other and from the resource of their environment, especially if they are professionals, as much as from the academics who will act as teachers but also guides and counsellors. Virtual meetings and classrooms will be implemented together with the use of specific software for audio and video recording, and for expanding the functionalities of the Moodle platform. Courses open to a broader audience will be open in free access. They will be used as teaching modules for the students, but also as lead products to disseminate and increase the visibility of the Master programme. A comprehensive evaluation process will be implemented to assess the curricula organization and the teaching, and to provide student assessment. Finally, Neuron Line partners will participate in conferences, either organized by the consortium, or as part of international meetings of Neuroscience. This will enable the Master programme to target potential students worldwide, and to disseminate the tools and practices that will be implemented. Taken together, the attractiveness, the relevance, and the efficacy of the Neuron Line project lie in a high versatility and adaptability, and in its ability to match any individual need and expectation.
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8 Partners Participants