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Neue Ressourcen für den Unterricht gewinnen
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For the year 2016 our school is planning to deal with gaining new ressources within our lessons. Thereby our main aim is to improve the quality of teaching and so developing further key competences for our students. Therefore a team of two persons will care for developing and organising the project. In advance it will be found out which possibilities there are available.Then aims and measurements will be determined. One of it is taking part in a seminar in Slovenia for one week of the company "Firma Mag. Tanja Kaufmann" ( with the title "new ressources for teaching".The experiences will be evaluated and together with all other gained skills and knowledge multipied within the whole teaching colleagues at school. The main aim is then to establish this into the lessons at school and therefore provide them for the students and apprentices.Our goal is permanently working in this field further on, so that during the next years our school life will persistently get new input.

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