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NEtworking for the development of maritime tOurism at EUSAIR level (NEMO)
Start date: May 31, 2014, End date: May 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Fisheries diversification represents an opportunity for fishermen in order to differentiate their incomes, improve local livelihoods, ameliorate the declining profitability and employment, promote and valorise their profession and socio-cultural heritage and enhance a sustainable use of marine ecosystems. NEMO project develops an overview about fisheries related tourism in Adriatic and Ionian Regions that could give a contribution to the Mediterranean overall integrated maritime policy, to coastal and sustainable tourism development protecting at the same time environament and biodiversity. Expected Results: • DATABASE ON FISHERIES RELATED TOURISM AT EUSAIR LEVEL, ALLOWING DATA COMPARISON AND ELABORATION AT MEDITERRANEAN LEVEL Detection of gaps and obstacles hindering sustainable development, the opportunities offered by fisheries related tourism, the identification and benchmarking of best practices of transnational value at A-I coastal community level. Foresight SWOT analysis, catalyzing future intelligence, creation of medium or long-term visions on present decisions to address a coordinating joint actions process for the sustainable development of fisheries-related tourism in EUSAIR regions.• ESTABLISHMENT OF A PERMANENT TRANSNATIONAL INFORMATION NETWORK ON FISHERIES RELATED TOURISM DEVELOPMENTData and information collection and sharing, fostering of cooperation between institutions, academia and entrepreneurial levels dealing with fisheries related tourism in A-I countries. Its aim is to commonly address policy, technical and socio-economic actions in a long-term vision, to overcome the reciprocal lack of knowledge, to favor their access to innovation, to develop human capital, to drive and apply new competences, and to stimulate cooperation. The network has been formalized in the EUSAIR strategic Action Plan to ensure results capitalization and follow-up of the NEMO project.• FORESIGHT STUDIES IDENTIFYING FISHERIES-RELATED TOURISM DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL AT EUSAIR LEVELConstructively bring awareness of long-term challenges and opportunities of fisheries related tourism into more immediate decision-making. Provide roadmaps and valuable inputs to strategy and policy planning in regions, as well as to the mobilization of collective strategic and technical actions to be proposed in the EUSAIR Strategic Plan, linking fishing activities to territorial features, potential and vocation.• STRATEGIC ADRIATIC AND IONIAN ACTION PLAN Concrete inputs fostering an integrated marine/maritime approach. Concrete inputs for new cooperation projects and ToRs 2014-2020, for the EUSAIR Strategy (particularly I-IV pillars), and for the A-I Sea Maritime Strategy. Mobilization of the most relevant actors for the sustainable development and competitiveness of coastal communities through Maritime tourism and the Fisheries-related tourism segment, providing direct linkage to the EUSAIR Strategic Plan. Identification of a set of operational actions of transnational value to concretely support fisheries-related tourism development at institutional, technical and socio-economic levels.

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