European Projects
Networking for improvement independency and entrep..
Networking for improvement independency and entrepreneurship to disadvantaged women
Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Aug 31, 2017
Gender-based discrimination does still exist in all European countries. Belonging to a gender, an ethnic group and/or having disability and doing a kind of predominant job, domestic work, deprived of social recognition, makes women subdued to a triple marginality: social, economic and cultural. The project aims to provide holistic approach to the issue of women’ entrepreneurship and equal participation in civil society which will be an answer for the problem of women’ unemployment and economic dependence. As a target group in our project we have chosen women at the risk of social exclusion. Our organisations help women in different age, suffering from: disability, lack of education, unemployment, discrimination of immigrants, race, ethnicity or religion, disadvantaged place of living (rural areas, ghettos). We want to build real connections between women from our countries, let them opportunity to get to know each other, different places, cultures, ways of living, awake their creativity, curiosity. The exchange is the key to develop their vision of the world, transform perspective, build self-confidence, independence, encourage the sense of belonging to the local and European community. The opportunity to travel and meet new cultures and people is one of the most important value in this project. Our beneficiaries don't have such possibilities. There will be organised 3 learning teaching activities for our beneficiaries from each partner's country. All these activities will be related to the work on specific topic, in which each host partner is specialized:
1st activity - Spain (main topic: ICT workshop, social networking tools, starting to create Facebook community)
2nd activity - Poland (main topic: handicraft workshop, building self-presentation and communication skills)
3rd activity - Italy (main topic: cooking workshop, enterpreneurship, human rights).
We aim to raise the level of ICT skills of our beneficiaries, to raise learning and communication skills in order to help them achieve independence and success in their future life. In this way we will direct ICT usage to social benefits.
We also want to share experience of our staff, whose daily work is connected with exclusion (trainers, social workers, project managers). We want to create conditions for sharing ideas and learning from each other. Thanks to observing work in partner's organisations our staff will get new competences in new areas.Thanks to this project we will be able to create a new value in our partners organisation offer by extended the experience and improved practical skills of their employees and strengthen their cooperation with the new beneficiary groups.
The project will be realized as a part of institution's curriculum in each project partners. The project activities will be integrated in the daily work. Our beneficiaries will be involved in many local activities, allowing them to better understand themselves and each other:
-handicraft workshops
-cooking workshops
-self-defense training and other sport activities
-time management consultancy
-health days
-communication skills training
-image consulting
-professional photo-sessions
-sharing success stories of other women with the same background
-computer courses
-basic English language consultations
-career counseling
-counseling for single parents
-meetings with employers, eg. recruitment fairs in our organisations
-meetings with policy makers, responsible for education, employment and gender issues
-creating and maintaining Facebook group
-dissemination activities like filming our activities and sharing own experience.
Together with our beneficiaries we are going to elaborate:
1. Benchmark report of the needs analysis of the target group
2. "My rights" - Handbook written by women for other women in a simple and concise format, making it particularly suitable for a self-study, available in printed and electronic version.
3. Project facebook group and website to create platform for communication, sharing knowledge, ideas and experience between our beneficiaries. It will be a place to make friends, learn, search for education or job opportunities, create and promote social events. It will provide information, pictures, ideas and thoughts from the project.
4. "Women power" final movie, based on the scenario written by our beneficiaries, summarising our project's activities, mobilities, achievements.
We are hoping that our project will enhance debate about women's citizenship, boost intercultural dialogue as a mean of understanding, secure the fullest participation of women in all aspects of society, expand media engagement and public political discourse on issues of common interest, including disability, migration, democracy and human rights, fomenting the values of tolerance, volunteering, active participation and mutual understanding between European citizens living in different social realities.