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Network of European Museum Organisations
Start date: Apr 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Between 2014 and 2017, NEMO has identified 3 objectives as a priority of its work: 1) Building the capacity of its members and helping them to professionalize their work for the benefit of the museum sector and ultimately of the public. Through strong national museum organizations, museums and professionals, the sector will be enabled to work in more efficient and effective ways and museums’ activities will become more relevant to European citizens. In this framework, the explicit look at the audience helps to define the values that museums should offer to society. 2) Structuring and sharpening the vision of the European museum sector in order to form a shared vision and voice and to better position museums in the heart of European society. The structuring will help to identify strengths, spheres of influence and target groups of the different players within the museum field and to organise them in order to optimize their functioning. 3) Increasing the impact of museums on the cultural sector and other fields, with a specific emphasis on enhanced interconnection and exchange between museums and other sectors NEMO is convinced that only by making museums visible to other fields by demonstrating their impact and value on a broader scale, will museums be able to fully exploit their potential for society.The following activities result from the objectives identified above:1) Internationalise, professionalise and strengthen the capacity of the museum sector in Europe. Activities will be implemented on t3 different levels: on museum organisations, on museum and museum professionals, and citizens' level. 2) Structuring and sharpening the vision of the European museum sector. Structuring the museum field will help to identify museums’ assets to contribute to the overall economic, social and environmental contexts. 3) Increasing the impact and visibility of European museums, on stakeholders in the culture and other sectors, internationally and cross-sectorial.
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