European Projects
NEETs in the Employment Path
NEETs in the Employment Path
Start date: May 1, 2015,
End date: Dec 31, 2015
The aim of this project was to share experiences and knowledge and exchange good practices on the development of activities that directly support young people, aiming at the development by the young people of skills and competences that will assist them to improve their place in the labour market.
The main and only activity of the project, "NEETs in the Employment Path" (NEETs EP) was a seminar that took place in Rimini, Italy, between 4 to 9 of November 2015. The seminar hosted 22 youth workers, people active in the youth field and youth trainers (professional or volunteers), from 11 different countries, Italy, Romania, Estonia, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Czech Republic.
The main objectives of the seminar were:
- Analyse the phenomenon of NEETs and come to a basic common understanding about this
- Explore the role that non-formal education can play towards this and ways to identify and recognize the skills acquired through it
- Exchange experiences and good practices on the implementation of non-formal education activities for young people
- Get some theoretical background on the social, financial and psychological implications of the NEETs phenomenon
- Discuss the efficiency of existing programmes in addressing the NEETs’ issue at National and European levels, focusing on youth mobility opportunities
- Analyse results and good practices of successful projects carried out in national or European level
- Propose creative ways of involving youth in socio-educational activities which will improve their capacity in finding a job, training or proper educational course in order to improve their employability.
- To discuss how the use of ERASMUS+ program can be beneficiary for Youth in NEET situation.
- To draft project proposals and create a solid follow up policy.
All of the above objectives were fully achieved; The methods we used to do so were (a) through non formal educational activities including peer learning, group work, interactive sessions, simulation exercises, personal and group reflection sessions, (b) through some more formal elements like presentations and theoretical inputs and (c) informal learning moments like special nights, mixed nationalities in work and accommodation, traditional dances and food, free time where participants interacted between each other without facilitation and exchanged cultural and work information.
The seminar gave the opportunity to the participants and, in consequence, participating organisations to build their capacity and further develop skills in supporting and organising non-formal education activities for young people, in general and NEETs, in particular, aiming at the development of their competences at both personal and professional levels. The impact of the project, through the dissemination of the results, was also successful for the youth workers and the organisations all over Europe, leading to the implementation of more and better quality projects addressed to young people and people active in the field of youth.