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NEAT – New European Apprenticeship Tutor

The project aims at focussing on the different roles and figures of apprenticeship tutors and the improvement of their qualification as well as the definition of the profile for a European apprenticeship tutor. The target groups of this project are classroom-, online and in-service tutors. Potential users of the project`s outcomes will be training organisations and schools, Employers Associations and Trade unions, and enterprises and individuals occupied in apprenticeship. Main activities in the development of the project will be a state-of-the-art-report, a research on the problems connected to gender differences in tutoring practices and a questionnaire for different target groups, identifying useful criteria. Planned results will be (generally in EN): (1) a Catalogue of Criteria on web in EN, (2) a European Profile of the Apprenticeship Tutor, (3) a Model Training Course, (4) an ODL training module, (5) evaluation tools for the gained results, (6) a Vademecum (in all partner languages), and – a final publication on the project results (in print and CDRom). Valorisation will be done by the networks of the partners, by the use of the results in the training contexts of all partners, dissemination by means of website with public access, and other dissemination strategies. Evaluation and valorisation is executed by a specially qualified organisation. The impact on short term is the improvement of the qualification of the target groups, long term impact is the support of tutors in ODL apprenticeship training as well as in classroom and in-service training.
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11 Partners Participants