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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project called "YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVE TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT" was implemented for 15 compiled / s of Ke.Di.Vi.M1 KEPANSI,attending the specialties Aesthetics, Professional Make up, Hairdressing and Manicure Pedicure and 1 Attendant trainer, in Karlsruhe, Germany ("alfatraining Bildungszentrum" 23 April 2016-8 May 2016). The participants: - received theoretical training in youth entrepreneurship and business principles - received theoretical and mainly laboratory training in ICT and social media marketing - received subjected to lingual preparation in the German language -received establish professional visits in companies related with their subject of education, and - maked cultural visits and excursions. The proposal had a main target to satisfy the need of professional and personal strengthening of the new participants so as they acquire advantages during the economic crisis and the high level of unemployment in our country. Furthermore, it aims in the need of upgrading the professional skills of the participants, cultivating the idea of entrepreneurship, strengthening of polyglottism, the digit subject in education and professional activity, the changing of their believes related to the chances in employment and global working experience and network. Finally, with this plan, the participants will have the chance to have self-confidence, to feel encouraged and realize the European multicultural dimension of education and working showing bareness and respect to difference. The methodological training tools used is ICT, theoretical training, laboratory application, small conferences, professional visits, language and cultural preparation, presentations, As to the learning outcomes, the participants developed their professional skills and they upgraded their skills, developed entrepreneurship and they became familiar with the use of ICT in the workplace. Also enriched their personal portfolios and curriculum vitae with the Europass-Mobility Certificate and the certificate of the host organism. Finally, equal chances of training for both genders are included in the plan whereas its successful materialization will enforce the extroversion of our organism to the training and network with organism, institutions and companies, in the framework of European community while it will promote chances for modernization and globalization. The impact of the results beyond the aforementioned benefits for trainees / s, includes the improvement of the quality and the cooperation of our organization with institutions, social organizations, partners and businesses that provide education and support for mobility projects for our students. Impact: The implementation of the Plan had the following impact to the participants: - Promoting social inclusion and well-being of young people and youth unemployment reduce - Raising awareness about the concept of European citizenship and the rights attached - Development of basic and "horizontal" skills such as entrepreneurship, digital skills, multilingualism - Enhancing the use of ICT in the workplace - Recognition of non-formal learning -Development of professional readiness - Stimulate interest in vocational rehabilitation in the European labor market - Increasing competitiveness - Understanding that in a multicultural EU, the exchange of good practices and modern methods with other member states is necessary in order to gain new skills, as well as the constant communication through dialogue and exchanges of people and knowledge.

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