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NE BODI NEZNANEC (Don't be a Stranger)
Start date: Jul 1, 2009,

In 7 days Multilateral Youth Exchange in Krško 16 young people from Slovenia, Croatia, Kosovo and Asutria from different cultural, ethnic, religious and social backgrounds will participate. Together we will explore the possibilities how to use modern media in creative and innovative ways to express our views and standpoints. We will also explore different types of Youth Media production. Special emphasis we will put on views and aspirations of young people belonging to cultural minorities (Roma) or living in under privileged conditions not just in our countries but also throughout the Europe. We will organise debates after screenings. We believe that crucial part of intercultural dialogue is listening to the others, trying to understand and asking questions.We will split in smaller international groups to make short videos and other expressions about us, who we are , where we are from, what we are into, what we stand for...The way how we produce, consume and react to media can be dramatically different. All those differences will be built in our products. Later we will show it on final event, on public projections and web page. With showing our videos we won't be "Strangers" anymore.
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  •   7 859,97
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Cooperation with neighbouring partner countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants