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Nauka z pierwszej ręki - poprawa jakości pracy placówki poprzez rozwój kompetencji liderów zmian.
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The “Firsthand learning – improvement of the operational quality of the establishment and consolidation of its potential through the development of change leaders’ competences” project was created based on the analysis of the most important requirements related to the development of the establishment. The participants of the project include 20 teachers and members of the establishment management cadre – change leaders at the establishment. The goals of the project include:1) The development of knowledge procurement and relaying (sharing and implementing a learning conception more focused on the learner; improvement of educational results in general preparatory and English subjects; an increase of key and social competences of students with the consideration of students with special educational requirements; creating or acquiring new materials and didactic support; an increase of the effectiveness for the use of ICT; an increase of motivation for students to learn and for teachers to work).2) Strengthening the potential of the establishment (improvement of the identification of students and teacher with the school as a place for learning and working; teachers and management cadre integration; strengthening the European potential of the establishment; an improvement of language and intercultural skills, as well as professional ICT qualification of teachers and the cadre).In the project, a methodology will be used, which is based on acquiring knowledge, by the management cadre and the teachers, through participation in specialist training and observing work at similar job positions (job shadowing). Mobility will be conducted directly in training companies and at schools that are leaders of innovation, which in portrayed by the project title.The result of the project will be the acquirement of new methodological and didactic competences by the teachers, broadening the range of used teaching methods, introducing new didactic support and focusing the learning process on the student. The project will impact the students by increasing their learning motivation, as well as the work organisation of the establishment through strengthening its potential and competitiveness.In a long-term perspective, the project will give us the opportunity to implement (achieve) clourable solutions in the most important issues, such as: elementary education and training as well as development of social skills.

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