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Nauka nie zna granic - wsparcie zawodowe uczniów szkół zawodowych z obszarów wiejskich i miejsko-wiejskich województwa zachodniopomorskiego i lubuskiego
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project "Science knows no bounds-professional support professional for school students from rural areas and urban-rural areas of West Pomeranian and Lubuskie" implies participation in professional internships, including 80 school students from rural areas and urban-rural Pomeranian and Lubuskie, which learn to become: pastry chef, Cook, Baker, waiter, hotel management techniques, IT technician, economist, technician Economist trader. Students will be invited to the monthly internships in 10-person groups to countries such as the United Kingdom, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain. Each group will be accompanied by a guardian from Poland. During the internship students will pursue issues identified in students programme which will acquire the practical knowledge of their profession. Many of the students are from families endangered by social exclusion, where an inherited effect of unemployment is commonplace and, unfortunately, the lack of adequate preparation for the practical work may result in not taking the work and life of helplessness. In the absence of support for the target group they become a vulnerable group of social exclusion. Internships should break their barriers and support needs to overcome passivity and irresponsibility of life. In the context of the needs and personality of students, the project will carry out such objectives as: -to acquire international certificates of the Europass Mobility and ECVET, and additional work, certificate -transnational mobility on the European labour market, -development and acquisition of practical professional skills, -improvement of the language skills, the development of openness and intercultural sensitivity, -stimulation of creativity and entrepreneurship, -the development of characteristics such as confidence, responsibility, equality, diversity, transparency in operations, respect, honesty, passion and commitment. These aspects affect the greater attractiveness of schools, vocational education, and in the future, greater economic development in the regions, which is consistent with the Lisbon strategy, which envisions as the most competitive economy in the countries of Europe and the world. The involvement of Partners will allow you to build a strong relationship, which in the future may result in the signing of a permanent cooperation in the organisation of traineeships and apprenticeships. The project will strengthen the position of schools in rural areas and urban-rural areas of West Pomeranian and Lubuskie, and above all the possibility of youth can slow access to education the chance to education without barriers.
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4 Partners Participants