Natuurherstel Most-Keiheuvel: natuurherstel op de .. (Most-Keiheuvel)
Natuurherstel Most-Keiheuvel: natuurherstel op de gradiënt van veen naar stuifzand
Start date: Jun 1, 2012,
End date: Nov 30, 2018
The project will take place in the nature reserves De Most (a peaty depression) and Keiheuvel (a land dune area), in the upper reaches of the Grote Nete river, Province of Antwerp. The project area has a total surface of 540 ha and is entirely situated within a Natura 2000 network site. The area is unique for the favourable conservation status of the transition from land dunes to peaty depression. The target habitats are threatened by severe fragmentation, afforestation, tourist disturbances, and maladjusted hydrological management.
The project aims at improving the conservation status of several habitats from Annex I of the Habitats Directive.
Specific project objectives aim:
To restore and reduce fragmentation of 20-30 ha of two habitat types - dune dry sand heaths with Calluna and Genista, and inland dunes with open grasslands;
To restore and reduce fragmentation of some 6 ha of transition mires and quaking bogs to form a robust cluster of 10-15 ha; and
To restore 70-90 ha of the two habitat types - alluvial forests, and old acidiphilous oak woods with Quercus robur on sandy plains/ Atlantic acidophilous beech forests with Ilex.
Achieving a sustainable hydrological management system for the wetland habitats will benefit the conservation status of the fish species brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri) and spined loach (Cobitis taenia), which are listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive.
Methods used for restoring the habitats involve: removal of young trees, humus layers, illegal constructions, exotic shrubs and invasive exotic trees; mowing; purchase of key land plots; facilitating fish migration; and implementing an adjusted hydrological management system.
Expected results
The project will result in:
Restoration and defragmentation of 20-30 ha of habitats 2310 and 2330 to form a robust cluster of 40-60 ha of these habitats;
Restoration and defragmentation of 6 ha of habitat 7140 to form a cluster of 10-15 ha;
Expansion of habitats 9190 and 9120 by 70-90 ha;
Improvements to the prospects for target species (including IUCN Red list species);
The establishment of conditions to facilitate long-term sustainable management of the target habitats; and
The establishment of a sustainable hydrological management system to guarantee the favourable conservation status for the habitats 7140 and 91E0 and for the brook lamprey and spined loach.
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