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Nasza szkoła uczyni Cię mobilnym - pojedź na praktykę zagraniczną
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „Nasza szkoła uczyni Cię mobilnym - pojedź na praktykę zagraniczną” is written by the Zespół Szkół Nr 4 im. KEN in Olkusz together with the Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle GmbH.The participants will be students from the 1st – 4th class of the Technikum in 2015/2016 and 2017/2018, trained in the building trade, technique for hotel business, technique for gastronomical service and also graduates in technique for hotel business (school year 2017/2018). 7 groups are planned for the transnational internship:School year 2016/2017:1st group – 6 students building trade – date: 21.11.2016 – 19.12.2016.2nd group – 10 students hotel business – date: 24.04.2017 - 22.05.2017.3rd group – 10 students hotel business – date: 01.06.2017 – 29.06.2017.School year 2017/2018:4th group – 10 students hotel business/ gastronomical service + 6 students building trade – date: 02.11.2017 - 30.11.2017. 5th group – 10 students hotel business/gastronomical service – date: 27.02.2018 - 27.03.2018.6th group – 6 students building trade – date: 14.05.2018 - 11.06.2018.7th group – 6 graduates hotel business – date: 11.06.2018 - 09.07.2018.The stay in the establishments will take 27 days (plus 2 days journey).The students, learning technique for hotel business or gastronomical service will work in hotels which have experience in work with young people. Our partners are: Ringhotels Neustadt a. d. Orla, Objekt-Innenausbau, Hotel Stadt Neustadt, Zur Kaiserpfalz, Hotel Rennsteig, Hotel Herzog Georg, Mühlhäuser Brauhaus zum Löwen, Waldhotel Berghof and Forsthaus Thiemsburg.The receiving establishment for the students trained in building trade is Objekt-Innenausbau and SHW. THE students will do corrective maintenance on building yards and public schools in Eisenach. All students will be ensured a tutor as mentor and pedagogical supervision in the institution.In the project we use European instruments and documents: ECVET, the Europass Mobility and the European language pass. The graduates get in addition their personal Europass CV. The partners signed the Memorandum of Understanding and the Learning Agreement and the quality agreement "Zobowiązanie do Zapewnienia Jakości Mobilności". The targets of the project are the raising of professional, linguistical and social skills, the increasing of knowledge about the German culture and mentality, the grow of the school in the region, the improving of the German language skills of the specialist in German studies (tutor for the students), leading to better teaching methods in language professional lessons, the development of international relationships among the school and private establishments.The project has positive effects on the local and European job market, it offers high qualified employees, who are important for the developing branch. This branches (tourism and building trade) are important for the development of Małopolska and contained in the regional strategy "Małopolska 2020. Nieograniczone możliwości".The education offer expands and the school is able to increase their work quality.
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10 Partners Participants