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"Nasza cała filozofia jest ulepszaniem języka."
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Erasmus Plus project involves: 11 teachers, school headmaster, deputy headmaster, headmaster of the kindergarten, councelor. Among the teachers are: 4 foreign language teachers (English, French, German), 2 IT teachers, 1 mathematician, 1 PE teacher, 1 teacher of history, 2 teachers of early childhood education. Their targer is to get prepared for the implementation of carefully planned activities in order to start teaching a foreign language from kindergarten through intensive studies in early childhood education, to raise language skills in classes IV - VI at a level that allows students good communication in a foreign language. Our project aims to: - extend the offer of learning foreign languages through a pilot CLIL class, expand extra lessons of foreign languages in all stages of education, introduce elements of foreign language teaching to kindergarten and early education programs, - improve methodology and language skills of teachers, - international cooperation, - raise the European range of our school. In this regard, we assume the participation of teachers in the project in order to improve their methodological and linguistic competence through training combining foreign language teaching and learning methodology workshop presented by qualified professionals, which will result in using the newest European methods and forms of work with students. In the European development of our school a priority action is teaching foreign languages, starting from an early age, through the implementation of its components in kindergarten and classes I-III school as integration and their penetration into all subject areas and the use of innovative methods and tools for teaching younger children. In addition, a class with curriculum selected subjects in CLIL is planned to open. Therefore, the trained participants of this project will effectively plan and construct lessons in CLIL nad learn new techniques and methods in this education system. Methodological training for foreign language teachers (English, German, French) allow: to improve the knowledge and skills of international educational practice, knowledge of European education systems, knowledge of the latest trends in teaching of educational and interesting solutions, improving language skills. The project will bring long-term benefits for: a) participants: - improvement of language and professional competence in teaching selected subjects, - learning teaching skills in CLIL, - enrichment of knowledge on modern methods of teaching (including foreign languages, forms of activating and motivating students, the prevention of school failure of students, stimulating interest charges), - improvement of practical skills (ie. production of documents, filling out forms, treasury management, use of maps, search for information on the Internet, time management, organization) - improvement interpersonal skills, – expansion of cultural knowledge (knowledge of the culture and customs of other European countries and the transfer of this knowledge to students), – interest in learning mobility and spreading this idea among students and other teachers, b) school: – increasing the attractiveness of school among other institutions of this type, – extending the educational offer of our school through programs developed by the copyright teachers involved in this program, – increasing the effectiveness of teaching (innovation, creativity, interpersonal skills, introduction of participatory methods of teaching, adapting them to the preferential learning style, use of IT), – - introducing elements of knowledge on the countries of EU (a better understanding of Europe and Europeans, breaking stereotypes and learning about tradition and customs of other EU countries), – enrichment of educational activities, promoting openness and tolerance, – enhancing students' motivation to learn, develop independence and responsibility for themselves and others. – wider cooperation with teachers in other EU countries in order to exchange experience.

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