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Nanoscale energy management for powering ICT devices (NANOPOWER)
Start date: Aug 1, 2010, End date: Jul 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Nanoscale energy management is a new, exciting field that is gaining increasing importance with the realization that a new generation of micro-to-nanoscale devices aimed at sensing, processing, actuating and communication will not be possible without solving the powering issue. The scientific objective of this project is thus to study energy efficiency with the specific aim of identifying new directions for energy-harvesting technologies at the nanometre and molecular scale. The technological objective of the project is to integrate such technologies into autonomous nanoscale systems to allow new, low-power ICT architectures to find their way into devices. In a joint effort, the nanopower consortium composed by world leading experts in the fabrication of Si and III-V semiconductor nanodevices, fundamental and applied modelling as well as design and integration of ICT architectures will fabricate, test and evaluate new conception devices: "nanomechanical nonlinear oscillators", "phonon rectifiers" and "quantum harvesters" addressing applied prototypes and non-equilibrium processes down to the quantum level.
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5 Partners Participants