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Najlepsze kasztany sa na ulicy Polnocnej" - czesc 3. Kreowanie nowego Centrum Integracji i Edukacji
Start date: Feb 1, 2011,

An individual and group project of the European Volunteer Service ″The best chestnuts are at Northern Street‴ - part 3.Creating a new Centre for Integration and Education with disabled people and and the local people community will take place in GdaA±sk/3city in Poland from 4th April 2011 till 4th January 2012 (9 months). The main topic of the project is work for the disabled through art and culture. The principal aims of the project are promoting citizen activity of the youth through their active participation in creating the new Centre for Integration and Education of Foundation for the Differently Abled People and permanent supporting Foundation’s workshops. We will work as well as in the range of counteracting discrimination and working towards equalizing EU citizens opportunities. European volunteers will accomplish various tasks i.e. support the Foundation in art classes (clay, fabric sheet, painting) in the Therapeutic Workshops, teach art, music, language and sport classes for the disabled according to their own ideas, help the Foundation with individual assistance for the disabled and organize leisure time for the participants of the workshops. They will also support the Foundation by organizing open days, integration meetings, picnics and charity actions. The project has been prepared for six volunteers from the countries participating in the "Youth in action" programme (Austria, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Romania).
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