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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project called „ To gain experience in Europe „ was created as the part of the education programme of our school which was based on the school’s long-term strategy. The aim of this project is to gain some parts of the key and technical competences of members of the Internship in the real business environment of the receiving organisations which part is also the realisation of the international internship of students with the feedback and the use of good relationships with the international partners. The students will be taking part in practical work at the workplaces with content which corresponds with the professional education. They will improve their technical competences during the routine work in the foreign language environment, in the new technological environment with the usage of local ingredients and materials. The aim countries are four European states – Germany, Italy, Austria and Slovakia. The chosen 28 students will take part across the vocational courses: confectioner, cook-waiter, agriculture-farmer and study courses tourism and gastronomy. The internships will take part in Germany for /2/ gastronomy students /Hotel Admira in Weiden the holders of the Michelin star from Oct.2016/, in Italy for 8 students: cook/waiter /3/, confectioner /2/, gastronomy /2/ and tourism /1/ in 5 restaurants, hotels and coffee shops – contracted work places of I.S.A. Panzini in Senigalia in May 2017. In Austria will be 8 students: Agriculture-farmer /2/, gardener /2/ in the agricultural farms, cook-waiters /1/, tourism /1 / and confectioners /2/: they will be placed in business guaranteed by MEU Furth bei Göttweig in September– October 2016 and at the Štrbské Pleso in Slovakia in the Koliba na Janovej Poljanke: 2 students cook/wait., 8 students in the Hotel Fis: /3/cook/wait., /1/ confectioner /3/ gastronomy and /1/ tourism student in January 2017.The choice will be mainly based on their act. interest with the aim of the equal opportunities. We will give opportunity to at least 25% of students with the spec. learn. difficulties, students from low social backgrounds and to students with lim. opportunities. We will also have recommendations as per educational results and student’s needs. Students with the absence will not be expected into the Internships. The main activity of the Internship is the basic profess.activities at the particular expertise. For cook/waiter and gastronomy students it will be preparation of meals and service. For the confectioner’s students it will be expedition of confectioner’s products. For the tourism students it will be activities during the hotel operation. For the gardeners and agricultural Farmer students it will be jobs connected with the farmer and agricultural farm operation. The other activities of this Internship are excursions aimed at the production and process of the regional products and offer of the products in the sector of the regions tourism. The integral part of programmes for the students aim is in prevention.The guarantee of the realisation of the project is a team which consists from the managements of the school, the Internship coordinators in each country and teachers and other employees of the school. The production team is given different tasks for the preparation of the Internship preparation of the students, transport, and accommodation, and food, workplace, content and checking of fulfilling of the aims. The production team will also organise their own production, evaluation and dissemination of the project. The internship coordinators are in contact with the responsible employer of each receiving organisation who is also helping with the organisation. Mentoring at the Internships will be sorted by the responsible person at the workplace, tutoring will be the escorting person together with the coordinator of the Internship. The participation of the escorting person is necessary because of the age of the participants. The only exception is Germany where two gastronomy students and the tutor will be the teacher from the partners school Berufsschle Wiesau. The expected results will be in gaining quality expertise and competences of the participants as per study and in strengthening of the key competences: improving their foreign language skills, the support of the equal opportunities, strengthening of adaptability and flexibility, the students independence, ability to work in a team.Benefits will be in pos. changes in students’ attitude, in their study motivation, they will be proud of their field of study, school and being European. The main benefit of the Internships is the transmission of the gained competences of students and their escort, teachers which are in educational process and are taking part in the school educational programmes, implementing of new educat.procedures, inclusion and creation of equal opportunities. Fulfilling the aim of the Internship will strengthen the school in region and at students job market.
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5 Partners Participants