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Start date: Nov 3, 2014, End date: Nov 2, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The maingoal of the projectis to developparticipantsopportunitiesto achieveprofessionalsuccessaftergraduation . Thiswill be achieved by the internationalization of education in the school: developingprofessional and linguisticskills of participants in the wayfitted to desired by cooperating with schoollocalemployersexpectations. Theseprojectobjectivesareconsistent with the objectives of the Erasmus program set out in the Programme Guide : - Contribute to raising the level of crucialcompetences and skills, fitted to the labor market needs; - Contribute to the improvement of languageskills and to promotelinguistic and culturaldiversity in the EU; - Expand the internationaldimension of education and training . The participants of ourtwo-yearlongprojectwill be 96 students of second , third and fourthyears oftechnicalspecializations :nutrition and householdtechnician, cookingtechnician, hotel technician, mechanic and motor vehiclestechnician and motor vehicletechnician. Afterrecruitment (whichwillselect the participants and pople on reservelist), allparticipantswill be completepreparatoryclasses. Afteritscompletion, participantswillleavefor at 3-weeklonginternships. The projectwilllasttwoyears. In theschoolyear 2014/15 for internshipswillleave: one group to Italy and twogroups to Spain. In the schoolyear 2015/2016twogroupswillleave to Italy and on to the Spain(eachgroupof 16 trainees and twoguardians). Aftercompletion of the placement and return to school, traineeswillprepare: on-linefilled report, presentationsoutliningtheirparticipation in the project to disseminate the results . Afterclosingconference, theirparticipation in the projectwill end but the results of itwill be a longlasting and haveenormousimpact on theirprofessional and personal life. During the implementation of the project, methodologyprocedurewill be based on a cleardivision of tasks and on principle of constantsupervisionoverallprojectactivities. From the firstphase(creatingobjectives of the project) to the last(popularisation and closure of the project) documentationwill be collected, and the responsibilities of projectemployees team will be well-defined. The projectwillachieve the followingsoftresults: - Acquisition of newknowledge and experience; - Learning a newlanguage ; - Acquisition of new devices and toolsskills; - Gaining the ability to work in aninternational environment, communicating in foreignlanguage; - Learning about the culture, customs and history of the host country; - Increasingparticipantschancesof enter the labor market(local, national, European); - Improvingprofessional and personalaspirations of participants; - Increasingparticipantsmotivation to further learning; - Anincrease of duty and discipline; - Knowledge of the history, cultureand customs of the host country; - Development of tolerance fordifferenthabits and behaviors; - Increasingprestige and attractiveness of the school; Hard results: -Receivingby the participantsEuropassMobility, -Receiving by the participantscertificates of foreignlanguagecoursecompletion-Receivingby the participantscertificates ofplacementconfirmed by the projectpartners, - Receipt by the participantscertificates of internshippreparatoryclasses in school. - Receiptby the participants of the catering and hotelspecialization- baristacoursecertificate, - Completing a plannednumber ofpreparatoryclasses - Completingschoolpractice. - Completingitalian/spanishlanguagecourse by participants, Material products of the projectwill be: - Collections of photos and filmsabout the internships and otheractivities of the project , - Presentations of the project - preparedseparately by eachgroup of trainee , - Materials createdduringthe evaluation of the project . Qualifications, developed and establishedthroughparticipation in the project, willallowparticipants, aftergraduating from high school, to become a valuable and sought-afteremployees; institutions of employmentwillbecomecompetitive on the market alsobecause of employeesknowledge and experience. Thisway, traineesindirectlycontribute to strengthening the market position of theirfutureemployers. Project partnerswillexpandtheirknowledge and skillsuseful in developing internationalactivities.School representatives and foreignpartners, whowork in the projectwillget to knowpeopleraised in a differentcultures. Thiswillcontribute to development of theirsensitivity to issues of interculturaldialogue, custom and behavioraldiversity of customs in otherEuropeancountries.The school as aninstitutionwillincrease the experience in internationalcooperation, raiseitsprestige and popularity , whichshouldimproverecruitment.

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