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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is realized by SOŠ J. Čabelku Holíč and the company AGAMOS form The Czech Republic. The project enables our students to get work experience in foreign company. The project participants are students from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade, fields of study – economy of the agriculture, social and educational worker, print operator. The total number of students is 25, number of teachers is 3. Our students need to try their abilities, knowledge and skills gained at school and during the practice to better their professional and personal development and obtain better position at the labour market. They also need to gain work experience abroad, to deepen their social skills (behaviour to their colleagues and clients, team work, ...), to get independence, to experience new cultural environment and adapt in it and increase their work mobility. The content of the attachment will be adapted to the fields of study (economy of the agriculture, social and educational worker, print operator). Working programme adapted to their needs will be prepared for each participant. Before leaving for the attachment all of the participants will join the training which will contain cultural, professional and practical training. The main aim of the project is to better the quality of the participants´ practical and professional training and to help them to obtain better position at the labour market. The partial aims of the project are: gaining the practice abroad, linking the theoretical and practical knowledge, gaining new professional knowledge and skills, familiarizing with the running and organization of the foreign companies, acquiring working habits. The participants will develop their personality, independence, flexibility, they experience life in foreign country and develop their financial literacy. From the frame of reference of sending organization we expect development and strenghten the cooperation with foreign partners, rev up the attractiveness of studying at our school and gaining new stimulation to better the process of education. The project will enable us to test The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and evaluate its exploitation for our school. The outputs of the project are aimed mainly to the participants. They will gain new professional and social knowledge and skills by staying abroad. Each participant will obtain Europass mobility and certificate from the partner. Additional outputs will be the photographies, articles on school web page and presentations. The project will bring improvement of professional training of our students and will help them to obtain better position at the labour market. The sending organization will also get benefits from the project. We approach and deepen the cooperation with foreign partners, strenghten the attractiveness of our school and we assume the increasing interest in study at our school. Our participation in the project reflects claims of the employers in our region. The employers need competent workers with professional practice from abroad.
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