Start date: Jan 1, 2016,
End date: Dec 31, 2016
Our Work Programme in 2016 will be a logical continuation of our work in 2015 and contributes to the overall outcomes and outputs we aim to reach by 2017. It is based on lessons learned and partner and stakeholder recommendations, while at the same time taking the recommendations of the Paris Declaration into account. With our evidence from the field we’ll support our network partners to continue lobbying government, members of parliament, ministers, central banks, business people, academics and teacher training institutes so that policies and reforms in the fields of education and training (esp. country-specific recommendations issued in the framework of the European Semester) improve the lives of children and youth. The need to provide social and economic empowerment programmes for children and youth is all the more important given the reality of millions of Europeans still living on the sidelines of society, excluded from labourmarket and not being able to exercise full citizenship. In 2013 the percentage of children living in a household at risk of poverty or social exclusion ranged from around 15% in Scandinavia to more than 40 % in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. Children were at greater risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2013 than the rest of the population in 20 of the 28 EU Member States (source: Eurostat). Expected overall outcomes of our work programme by the end of 2017: • Either formal or non-formal education institutions in at least 22 EU countries have recognised the importance of CSFE & have included it into their curricula or activities • At least 4 countries have integrated CSFE programmes into their national school curricula • At least 8 European Teacher Training Institutes (TTIs) have incorporated elements of Aflatoun child-centred teaching approaches & active-learning methods into the teacher training programmes Expected overall outputs:1 Evidence collected on programmes, curricula and training in Europe to assess CSFE impact and raise its profile2 Advocacy capacity further enhanced among network partners3 Country advocacy strategies finalised and implemented4 Network of relevant stakeholders within participating countries strengthened and increased 5 Partner network within participating countries increased and expanded to new EU countries6 Visibility, credibility and effectiveness of the EU programme and the work of Aflatoun network increased in EU countriesPlanned Activities for 2016:1. Organise a European partner and stakeholder meeting to facilitate exchange of expertise and best practices2. Conduct an endline study on social and financial knowledge, attitude and behaviour among children and youth in Slovakia and Portugal3. Capturing success stories and case studies about lobby, advocacy and policy implementation (Paris Declaration)4. Provide continuous support (online, phone calls, skype exchange, possible site visits) to Aflatoun network partners in advocacy strategy development and policy and project implementation5. Aflatoun partners organize (national) stakeholder meeting and events in order to communicate the importance of social and financial literacy6. Programme help & support for teacher empowerment, to promote a culture of tolerance and to impart common fundamental values7. Participate in European Platforms, International conferences, seminars and meetings to promote CSFE8. Develop & implement visibility campaigns to promote the goals of the programme and Aflatoun network