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Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ACA’s 2016 Work Programme (WP) continues to be guided by the association’s 5 policy priorities, as defined at its Bergen General Assembly (2006), i.e.a) The strengthening and widening of the membership of ACA (internal cooperation).b) The continued promotion of intra-European (higher) education cooperation.c) The strengthening of the position of European higher education in an increasingly competitive global higher education landscape.d) Support for and expert advice on the furthering and implementation of the major European reform agendas.e) The production of expert tools, in the form of studies and publications, and of conferences and seminars leading to them, as an input into ongoing education reform processes.ACA’s WP for 2016 is designed to contribute to the 5 wider priorities of the association, but equally tackles multiple topics of high relevance at the EU policy level, as the two sets of priorities largely overlap. Specifically and tangibly, the 2016 WP supports:- peer learning and the exchange of good practice between ACA members, which are national-level actors in the field of international HE, and as a result contribute directly to the implementation of related EU policies and activities in their countries; - awareness raising of recent developments in EU programmes in the field of education and research (Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, Marie Sklodowska-Curie), as well as feedback provision based on the experiences of stakeholders in implementing the Erasmus+ programme at national and university level; - master’s level admission and the recruitment of international students at master’s level; and the- promotion of Europe as an attractive study destination for non-European students.Like in 2015, ACA’s activities in 2016 can also be divided in 2 types, in line with the dual role of the association – a membership organisation, as well as a European think tank in international HE. As a result, we differentiate between: membership-only activities (i.e. designed exclusively for ACA members) and activities with and towards the wider HE community (i.e. activities involving the ACA members, but also many other relevant stakeholders active at the European, national and university level).Membership-only activities:Act-1: 2 Structured Dialogues (on themes of relevance for ACA members, and meant to facilitate the exchange of practices and views between ACA members)Act-2: 2 General Assembly (GA) meetings (tentatively in June and December) to discuss the past and future activities of ACA and to update on recent developments in ACA member organisations and their countriesAct-3: 2 Administrative Council (AC) meetings (tentatively April and October) to prepare the GA meetingsAct-4: 2 Task Groups (TGs) (one on Alumni Relations and the other on the Internationalisation of (T)VET) tackling specific issue of interest for a sub-group of ACA membersAct-5: Widening of ACA membershipActivities with and towards the wider HE community:Act-6-9: 4 European Policy SeminarsAct-10: Annual Conference 2016, co-organised with ACA’s member from Hungary, TPFAct-11: A regional seminar (Nordic higher education) organised in cooperation with ACA’s members in the Nordic countriesAct-12-14: Projects – Mastermind Europe, Enhancing the Attractiveness of European Higher Education in the World, and the South Africa projectAct-15: ACA Newsletter – Education Europe
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