Start date: Jan 1, 2015,
End date: Dec 31, 2015
Overview of activities + target groupIn the 2015 work programme, OBESSU foresees to organise a range of different activities and events with different topics, focuses and participants’ profiles.One category is the statutory meetings like the GA, COMEM or Board meetings, where the decision-making and governance of the organisation will take place.Another category is capacity-building activities like TCIO and Study Session, aiming at increasing school students’ competences on topics related to EU policy-making.Thirdly, we will have two Working Groups and a Convention with a specific focus on policy development. After a shared process among member organisations, school students from all over Europe will come discuss and analyse which are the needs and challenges that schools students face regarding welfare and wellbeing, and will develop concrete policy proposals that will then be used in their advocacy work at national level.We also have campaigns that will take place all over Europe, without the need to directly meet face-to-face. The 17th November campaign is a good example of this.Our main target group is school students from all over Europe, but we also reach policy-makers, institutions, other categories of learners, partner organisations and many others.MethodologyOBESSU follows a learner-centred methodology in which we involve our participants (school students) as much as possible and make sure they are not passive receivers of what we do but rather shaping our activities themselves (see more under C4, Impact). We try to make sure that what they learn from OBESSU is multiplied and “trickling down” into the work of the member organisations which they represent. This is done by selecting participants to events who are in positions in their home organisations where they can reach out to the widest extent possible, and by making sure that every single activity has some concrete outcome or follow-up activity which will continue with more participants involved than those participating in the events.Expected resultsOn the individual and collective point of view, we expect young people and school students to become active citizens, involved in civil society organisations and feeling ownership of both the organisation and political life. From our experience, the involvement in international youth activities are great boosts of motivation and energy to further engage in civil society. Through the activities we have, national organisations learn both from OBESSU and from each other, strengthening also the national organisations and support their development and the development of education policies on national level, and their relation with EU-level processes. Also, we expect young people to have an increased interest and feel ownership on EU issues related to education policy (ET2020, EU2020, VET, ESL..) but also more widely. With the proposed activities, at the end of 2015 we will have directly reached more than 300 participants and many more indirectly.Another outcome will be better education policies due to direct involvement of one of the main stakeholders in education issues: learners themselves. In 2013 (last complete year) we were present in more than 60 political meetings and we have no reason to suspect the number will be smaller for 2015. This means that hundreds of decision-makers, some of them (but not all) being high-level ones, will get the learners’ perspectives on a wide range of topics.