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My international skills Pro
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to respond to the challenging vision of the North Karelia Educational Development document to become known as a national and international player by the excellent learning outcomes and competences. This means to get PKKY to be known as an active international partner for trustful cooperation and further educational development. The aim of the project is to promote the goals of North Karelia Educational Strategy for developing the internationalisation and international skills of the students and the staff. The project provides equal mobility opportunities for students and staff, also international development of skills beyond the college boundaries. A survey for the international know-how and related needs of the PKKY-staff was carried out in spring 2013. The results reveal the strong need for an increase in working life cycles carried out abroad. In addition to faculty also administrative staff consider the international know-how an important part of their task especially when communicating with foreign partners in project management and administration issues. Thus, North Karelia Educational Development document aims to strengthen the international know-how of the staff. Also one of the measures of the PKKY international strategy is to achieve set objectives through job shadowing that also strengthens and develops the competence of the faculty on an international level and improves the global awareness in their profession. For the students, the exchange period provides development of key skills, professional identity, as well as strengthens, of course, work experience in the international business environment. In this project we have embedded the process of improving professional and personalised international study path based on the ESF-funded "Internationalisation of vocational training - international school" project. This process is adopted in all PKKY educational and training divisions and in all educational sectors. The study paths shall be further developed based on the experiences gained during the training periods. Successful and diverse coaching is an important part of the international exchange, and training is developed according to the "Inno-training" (innovative training) concept where in addition to language and cultural aspects the students' selfawareness is stimulated to bring up own strengths and innovative skills during the exchange period. Inno-training shall be tried out in this mobility project and will be carried out in small groups of students from different divisions and PKKY colleges. The project will promote the intetrnationalisation in PKKY colleges and increase equal opportunities for all students and staff to participate in international activities regardless of the differences in international resources available to each college. Through student exchange periods the international processes will be specified and the developed processes will be described on consortium level. Hense this will facilitate practical operations, such as the orientation of new employees to international operations. Cooperation with partners shall be deepened by taking part in meetings and discussions using different media tools, as well as though continuous participation in the assessment process of the project operations.
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