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My Dublin work placement : a European experience
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Erasmus + project will involve 16 BTEC students specialized either in electronics, electricity, micromechanics or plastic and processing. The plastic and processing group is a European class and thus will benefit from this project. All of our students study at an industrial vocational school. This training lasts three years among which a twenty two-week internship must be carried out ( eight weeks on the first and second years and six weeks during the third year). For our Erasmus+ project, we intend to share the second year internship into two periods, i-e three weeks in Dublin and five weeks in France. The main goals of this work placement carried out abroad are to: - allow our BTEC students to live a unique European experience - strenghten our students' work experience in a foreign country and learn new work methods - improve their English level thanks to a total immersion into a genuine work environment and make English language learning more practical for students who usually have difficulties learning at school. -make our BTEC trainings more attractive to young people thanks to a new window to the world - allow our lower class BTEC students to go abroad in Europe, a human and cultural experience that very few of them have lived so far. These work placements will take place in industrial companies located in Dublin and will last three weeks in march 2015. Students will be accompanied by two French teachers , one technical teacher (DNL -non- language subject- plastic processing) and one English teacher from the school Saint Aubin La Salle. After having been prepared for language and cultural purposes for 8 months, the students will move to a company of their speciality to Dublin. The management of the project will be done by M. CESBRON, an English teacher and co-organizer of the project. He will be in charge of the language and cultural preparation of the project, transports, admnistration, evaluation and the group in Dublin. Our intermediate partener (CEI) will be in charge of the work and familiy placements. We have decided to do so in order to make sure that this crucial step of the project will be a success indeed. As explained on the H.1. Impact section, both students and our school will benefit from the experience. The students will undoubtedly improve their english level. That will be checked on a periodic assessment (CCF) carried out in this English spoken country, what will seem quite natural to our students. Students will also improve know-how abilities since they will have to carry out professionnal tasks based on the reference documents of their speciality. The EUROPASS mobility as well as the official school assessment document will validate these abilities. Thanks to this experience, students will also gain in autonomy. Their behaviour will call no criticism. Eventually, having lived such a working experience abroad will be a real advantage for their future school and working life. As we explained in section H.1. Impact, this project is highly important to our school, since it makes part of a real will to open our school trainings to international horizons. This has now been the case for 7 years now thanks to our Senior Researcher, M. CHOTARD (this aspect has been developped on section H.1. Impact)

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