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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

MUSIC WITHOUT FRONTIERS is a versatile music related mobility project during which student vocational skills and adaptability in international work environment will be developed. Because the new program enables to add staff seminar to student mobility project, we definitely want to use this opportunity. Students acquiring music related vocational education will participate in concert projects that follow real work situations organised by partner conservatories and end with public concert and/or recording. Preparation and concert period lasts for three weeks. Mobility project will be carried out in partner conservatories and on concert venues chosen by them according to agreed plan. We aim to provide our students opportunities to practice musical performance skills by playing in the great orchestras and ensembles of our partner schools, to gain cultural experiences and to learn about life and culture in different countries. All this adds up to personal growth and abilities to take full responsibility for one’s own life. At the time our students get their diplomas, especially those who have participated in student exchange are open-minded young professionals with respect and understanding for different cultures. They also see the scene for their own activities, whether working or studying, much broader than just their own home country. All our partners are committed to sending and receiving students, in the scope of granted funds. The duration of the study periods is three weeks and their timing will be set in the beginning of each school year. The active partners for G.Ots Tallinn Musicschool in MUSIC WITHOUT FRONTIERS Mobility Project are three same level schools from Finland – Helsinki, Joensuu and Lahti Conservatories, also North Glasgow College and Conservatories from Madeira, Praha, Madrid and Warsaw. All partner conservatories apply for financial support from their country. This project is a continuation of projects carried out previously: 2004-2006 CONCERT CIRCLE, 2006-2008 CONCERT CIRCLE 2, 2009-2010 CONCERT CIRCLE 3, (2010 - 2012) CONCERT CIRCLE 4 and the currently running (2012-2014) CONCERT CIRCLE 5. These projects have been effectual and the experiences gained from them will be used to carry out the new project. MUSIC WITHOUT FRONTIERS project will offer opportunities to introduce ECVET principals to all partners, also in those countries which are not yet applying it. Goals for the Staff Seminar • better knowledge of the curricula , methodologies, student assessment methods and criteria in the networking countries and schools • a booklet consisting of reports and evaluations of the participants • sharing of good practices, .e.g. improving the use of ICT in teaching • modification of our ways in teaching, writing and implementing the curricula • through networking, to find inspiration to develop new ideas for mutually benefial staff exchange

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8 Partners Participants