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Music Without Frontiers/Fashioning the Future
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT/BACKGROUND This project is carefully planned mobility programme for 24 music students, 16 fashion students and 8 members of staff at Glasgow Kelvin College. ACTIVITIES Students will participate in a work placement abroad. The project will provide music students from the various colleges with an opportunity to work in partnership to learn skills in specific musical styles and organise and perform at concerts in the respective schools. This will assist students to develop a number of skills in relation to music, partnership working, team work and event management. The project will therefore provide valuable additional employability related skills gained in an international context. The project will encourage fashion students to explore the cultural inspiration from the partner schools and use this as a source of design inspiration and development. It will culminate in the design, production and presentation of fashion goods at various fashion shows which will take place in each of the partner colleges. This is linked to industry practices where a design team is given a brief from a client to interpret. Fashion staff will take part in a variety of teaching and learning related activities over a period of seven days to extend and develop their professional practice. OBJECTIVES Music student mobility - To develop professional abilities - To develop an understanding of other cultures and also the business and work environment in other countries. - To develop on the job learning opportunities, skills and experience - To develop professional competences in their chosen music subject area and learn new skills in relation to other musical styles. Fashion student mobility - To develop cultural awareness by exploring the cultural influences of the partner city school. - To develop a common design brief, interpret design ideas, develop patterns and produce garments and accessories. - To develop new production and technical skills to create garments and accessories. - To market the Fashion Show and exhibition using new technologies - To explore new ways of marketing the project outcome - To present the fashion goods at a fashion show Fashion student mobility - To develop new vocational production and technical skills to address the technical challenges identified - Develop innovative approaches to sustainability of resources within manufacturing - Develop personal continuing professional development - To learn how to use additional industry software packages - To develop partnership working in an international setting EXPECTED RESULTS Expected outcomes are: - Students will be able gain vocationally based outcomes, develop social, employability and language skills. - Staff members who have developed additional skills within their subject expertise - Staff will develop new teaching methods developed as a result of “sharing of good practice” - Development of partnership working in an international setting - Improved understanding of educational systems and qualification frameworks within another European country. - Positive exchange of information and work methods POTENTIAL LONG TERM BENEFITS The project will provide participants to gain experience in the music industry in a different cultural setting, with different cultural norms and procedures. Participants will be able to gain skills they can add to their CV and Europass and these will include language skills, personal development skills and personal promotion and networking skills. This will be of benefit to participants in their career in the music industry. IMPACT This project will provide a valuable work experience opportunity for participants to develop work related skills in an international environment. Participants will have the opportunity to network with other participants in an international environment and will develop additional skills in IT development, for example, using the internet for marketing and dissemination. We will also be using Skype, Facetime, etc as a mechanism of communication between the participants and the college whilst they are on placement. A key theme of this project is the utilisation of web based systems to market the project’s activities and disseminate information. This is relevant to the participants’ training and professional development as it will provide a learning opportunity to develop specific skills in addition to those gained as part of the HND course. Participating in the project will give participants a unique insight into their own field from another perspective. Participation in Erasmus+ projects raises the college profile. Also, students are extremely interested in taking part in the project and as a result this increases retention and motivation within the courses.
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9 Partners Participants