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Music: education for inspiration
Start date: Mar 26, 2013, End date: Dec 25, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Objective of the projectThe objective of the project was to create conditions for cross-border cultural environment in North Karelia and the Republic of Karelia and sustainable cooperation between music/art institutions and local societies.Main activities• Survey on the state of music/art institutions• Finnish-Russian musical co-productions• Cultural exchange of youth and professionals• Networking• Launch of music laboratories• Marketing of the festivals and educational institutions• Elaboration and conducting of series of training seminars for music/art teachers Achievements: During the project 23 joint concerts & live music services were organized, 2 Music laboratories were fully equipped in Rautio College and Joensuu Conservatory, 2 surveys on the state of music education institutions were carried out in Joensuu and Petrozavodsk resulting tools for quality assurance in the music education processes. Study plans were up-dated in all the 7 partner schools and this process as well as the implementing new teaching and learning methods was continuous. All these activities and outputs mentioned have efficiently and expectedly helped in achieving the projects outcomes including improved music education in the region and better access to music services for everyone, improved efficiency of working processes in partner schools and new communication and management skills learned as well as fluent communication between partner educating institutions and between educating institutions and surrounding society.The co-production concerts and the seminars gained much more visibility, publicity and artistic impact within the media and the local audiences of the region than concerts and other events organized by single institutions, thus essentially rising the profile and appreciation of the art education institutions in the larger society as well as in the opinions of policy makers. Music laboratories have opened new possibilities to use modern information and communication technology in music teaching and learning processes.
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  • 89.9%   255 434,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Karelia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants