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Multiplicando con Europa: Hacia la consolidación de un modelo educativo sin fronteras
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The ultimate objective of this project is the consolidation of the internationalization process initiated during the school year 2013-2014, hence it is considered key to learn from organizations that have already achieved it. The course "How to make your school more International" formed the backbone of the previous project and allowed, in addition to acquiring the expertise of the course, the establishment of new partnerships. The intention with this new project is to involve all the school teachers extending the training and involvement in the process to all the school levels. Mobilities are considered to meet this double multiplier and formative objective.The 2015-2018 Strategic Plan includes as strategic action 1.4.1. "Develop the Training Plan for this Strategic Plan" within the strategic objective 1.4 "Encourage the involvement, training and staff commitment with the multiple intelligences pedagogical model". Therefore, this project is part of the activities planned to achieve this. It aims to improve the knowledge of the participants in teaching foreign languages through the use of new technologies and methodologies and also update their oral skills, improving their training in ICT’s (commitment to ICT’s and tablets in the classroom) and active methodologies. Benchmarking activities in countries that have stood out for their high scores on international tests (Finland, Estonia) and reference schools in implementing new methodologies, teaching materials and tools based on multiple intelligences also contribute to reaching this goal.19 teachers will be selected, 13 will attend seven different training courses and 6 will participate in job shadowing activities at the schools Fryxellska Skolan in Sweden, Sotkamon Lukio in Finland and SintLucas in The Netherlands. The eTwinning platform will be used at all times as the communication channel. All the participants meet the minimum requirements; they certify a B2 level in English, have a teaching experience of at least three years, are aged between 25 and 45 and accumulate teaching merits.The project will follow the PDCA methodology (plan, do, check, act) like all the projects carried out in the school following the EFQM management model. The following stages will be established:1. Project planning and goal setting and selection of participants2. Implementation and monitoring of the project by the Internationalization Committee 3. Evaluation of the project and proposals for improvement4. Dissemination of the knowledge learnedAs major impacts, the school will have more qualified teachers thus allowing their professional development. Indirectly, students will benefit from the learning received by the teachers, and their families will feel more involved and satisfied in the international projects promoted by the school. The school will also have teachers trained in new methodologies with access to new tools and teaching methods through the benchmark with leading schools implementing the pedagogical model. The teachers who have not participated directly in the project will also benefit from the project through the organization of good practice sessions.These impacts will be measured through external and internal indicators as well as through the validation of participants in Europass.The Navarre society will also benefit from the project through more competent teachers and students better formed in languages, from the added value of the training received by students in work experience from the Navarre Universities, from the added value of the training courses given by the school teachers in graduate studies at the University of Navarre (courses normally taught and that will be enriched with the new learning). Also, the organization of good practice sessions to other schools in collaboration with the CAP and the Department of Education of the Navarre Government will contribute to improve the Navarre education system.In the long term, the school will consolidate its strategic alliances with other European schools to improve the competences of all its students. The school will also lead European projects and help other schools who want to commence the journey of internationalization. The school will be pioneer in its community regarding internationalization and dissemination of good teaching practices.The dissemination activities to be carried out are: articles on the website and school blog, social networks, report to the School Council, inform the Works council, press releases in local media, information on the online newsletter of the Department of Education (Government of Navarra), transmission of experiences through Open days and the eTwinning platform, dissemination through the corporate website and the Erasmus+ online project results webpage.

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