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Multi-professionelle Netzwerke an der Johannes-Wulff-Schule
Start date: Jun 26, 2014, End date: Jun 25, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school (Johannes-Wulff-Schule) is mainly attended by children with special needs in the field of speech. Most of them have only limited speech abilities. Often these challenges are accompanied by limited abilities in movement, and perception. Additionally some pupils are challenged in their social-emotional development. Most of the individual assistance and training takes place in regular school-lessons. Further assistance is given by other profession like educators, school-social workers and personal assistants, speech therapists, and autism experts. In order to improve childrens´ assistance and advancement, we would like to optimize the cooperation between different professions in our school. In ordert o achieve this, we want to improve our concept of a multi-professional network at our school. Since several years Finish schools work in multi-professional networks. They have successful measures to realize economic and individual advancement for pupils. We would like to benefit from their expertise. Four collegues from our school are send to Finland. They meet the following criterias: -working in their profession at least three years, -working fulltime, -working on improving the multi professional network in their school. The participants want to get an insight into how multi professional networks work in other schools. Further, the experiences made in the various schools shall enable us to optimise our own concept. Besides, the insight into a new system and the exchange with other European nations will give us the possibility to reflect our own work and change certain work routines, if necessary. The participants and the headmistress are in constant dialogue concerning this issue. The program is presented and discussed with the other teachers and professionals in our school. Information concerning the Finish educational system, the program and further information is achieved through “Forum Eltern und Schule”. All participants are able to communicate in English.
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