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Movilidad internacional del alumnado en centros de trabajo
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

OVERVIEWInternational mobility of students in work centres.CONTEXTOur Organization is a State-subsidised bilingual school of medium size that receives mainly students from a socio-economically disadvantaged area with a very low cultural level and with little interest in training, high school dropout, low professional qualifications, economic difficulties and long-term unemployment.It offers Nursery, Primary, Secondary levels and Vocational Training. Within the Vocational Training, we have the following training courses:(a) Gardening and floral compositions. (Basic level).(b) Parapharmacy and pharmacy technician. (Medium level).(c) Commercial activities. (Medium level).(d) Administrative management. (Medium level).(e) Auxiliary nurse technician. (Medium level).OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECTThe objectives pursued by our Erasmus+ project are as follows:1. Improvement of the learning outcomes.2. Increasing of employability.3. Increasing of the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.4. Improvement of the self-training and self-esteem.5. Improvement of a level in a foreign language.6. Gaining greater intercultural awareness.7. A more active participation in society.RECIPIENTSIt is aimed at Vocational Training students interested in the realization of the training in workplace module in a foreign company.METHODOLOGY FOR CARRYING OUT THE PROJECTDuring the 2014-2015 school year the teaching staff begin to gather some information about the Erasmus projects by attending several courses. In 2015-2016 we join a consortium and in turn we decide to present our own project encouraged by our management team.RESULTS, IMPACT AND LONG-TERM BENEFITS.It is intended for students who perform their FCT(Training at workplace) abroad, to improve their linguistic skills, social skills, his self-training and self-esteem as well as their employability.We aim to spread the option of the implementation of the FCT by Erasmus+ in a European country through the website, lectures in the Centre and the use of local media broadcast.In the long-term it is expected that organization can tackle larger projects, leading even consortia in order to boost an improvement of the socio-economic and cultural conditions of the area.
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