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Movilidad FCT Juan XXIII
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will be managed between CFP Juan XXII, the BSZ (Germany), Edutravel World (UK ) and Camara de Comercio Italiana per la Spagna (Italy). The four partners will find companies to host exchange students. The three Intermediation partners will get in touch with local companies to find training possibilities for the Spanish students from CFP Juan XXIII. The coordinator in these partners will handle the relations with their companies and will locally assist Spanish expatriate students. The Spanish coordinator in Juan XXIII will tutor and manage the FCTs (Training at working centres) and will use Internet to communicate and document the training process. He will be the main responsable, together with the teachers of the student, to acknowledge the training activity. Two teachers will carry out a training period to learn about the VET in the BSZ Germany; one teacher will realize a jobshadowing observation in the UK; an another one will carry out a training period in Italy. These training periods will try to foster the collaboration among european institutions. The objective of this project is that the mobility students fulfill 370 training hours in working centres (FCTs) as mentioned in the curriculum of the studies and that they acquire the corresponding technical capabilities. There will be a total of 4 mobilities, 3 months each starting September 2015. 1 student will go to Germany, 2 to UK and 1 to Italy. In each case the students will attend their training during 3 months. The hosting companies, as far as it is possible, will offer accomodation and training possibilities according to the students studies, helping to bridge the cultural and language gap. These companies will be chosen once the students have been elected. As an example of possible companies the partners have relations with the following institutions: BSZ: - Businnes Administration: Trumpf Valeo - Electricity: Trumpf DÜRR Systems. Edutravel World - Business Administration Times Publications The postal Factory Oxfam - Electricity General Motors Ford Mintel International Group Ltd. Camara de Comercio Italiana: - Business Administration Casa dei Bambini- Maria Montessori These companies are growing and could end up employing the trainees. The selection of the students will be done due to their marks and level of languages.
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3 Partners Participants