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Movilidad e inmersión lingüística para docentes de Centros Locales de Idiomas
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This is a learning mobility of Individuals project (staff ) whose application is included in the Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ program. Staff training: this activity supports the professional development of adult education staff in the form of: a) participation in structured courses or training events abroad. Our company applied for funding of our school education staff mobility in order to complete a teacher refresher course in Cork on the company’s project called: ‘ Mobility and linguistic immersion for the teachers of the Local Languages Centres (Centros Locales de Idiomas)’. Our company, called Extremadure Initiative of Languages (Iniciativa Extremeña de Idiomas), leads this private- public project of the ‘Local Language Centres’ in Extremadura. Our main aim is the dissemination of the foreign language (nowadays only English) in the rural areas, as well as the Anglo-Saxon culture and the European spirit. Currently, the project of the ‘Local Language Centres’ works in cooperation with 65 municipalities around Extremadura and has a selective population number that goes between 5,000 and 6,000 students in this academic year (2015-2016). Our staff is teaching all levels from 4 years old up to adults education. A number of eighteen participants were proposed; all of them teachers of the’ Local Language Centres’. They are not only specialized in teaching the English language but also in preparing students to get an official certification by Trinity College (London) and Cambridge Institute. Finally only 10 of them were awarded. Based on a research of the needs of our active workers in our ‘Local Language Centres’. In that way, we pretended to adjust every academic need that our teachers may have according to what is proposed in the ERASMUS+ but eventually the tight deadlines for granting and execution forced us to choose a little more generic CLIL training (anyway still enough adapted to our needs). The course finally runs in a single turn with the most qualified teachers, obviating the lower grade and unifying all within the same training pace and skipping the linguistics improvements although we have defined one of the parts related with the cross curricular subject (75%-80% of the teacher’s schedule), other related with a specific training and the last one about how our teachers can improve their linguistic skills. It was proposed that in parallel with the training coordinating teacher will accompany the group and will have a series of simultaneous activities seeking the best practices and a deeper agreement between institutions (for this General Coordinator take a joint agenda) but finally it wasn´t performed so and the coordinator, while performing coordination functions contact group and the institution he joined the group of 10 teachers for training at the same level. For the evaluation of the objectives, compliances and their final results of the course, a number of control points have been raised (milestones) that will show us in an objective way ,some clear conclusions about future iterations or changes about the project, besides its publication in a seminar or in an ending document. Throughout the this document are attached and detailed several reports ellaborated in each checkpoint checking each goal. The results expected with this training project are related to the acquisition of new techniques and methodology for the English teaching and to improve the communicative competence of our teachers, including all the teaching skills are completely accomplisment The strategy of internationalization of our Company by getting in touch in an "long term" way with other educative European centres , so we could extend our teaching system farther from our border have been not sufficiently achieved, since, as explained in later sections, there have been differences in each institutions' aims and relations between them. The initial dissemination of the project, intended to include, in addition to our teaching population and our students, a seminar on good practices in consortium with AUPEX (our local partner) for the dissemination of results and promotion of European culture. Finally it has been impossible to develop this communication channel (the arguments and reasons required herein are given) but, still so, we were able to manage enough resources and achieved successfully both the community Local Language Centers in Extremadura and its surroundings,

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