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Movilidad del Profesorado EOI Madrid-Jesús Maestro: construyendo Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The summary of the project is focused on the following aspects that will be explained more in detail below: • Profile of the centre and methodological approach. • Goals for the improvement plan. • Selected activities for the plan • Participants’ profile • Benefit to be obtained from the activities. The project presented by the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Madrid-Jesús Maestro is based on an analysis of the context in which its educational activities are carried out. The EOI Madrid-Jesús Maestro is a public institution of adult education where 22 languages are taught from A1 to C1 of the CEFR levels. Students who attend courses are mainly university students, working professionals from different fields and people who wish to learn or improve their knowledge of languages as part of their lifelong learning process. The teaching approach in our centre has a highly practical dimension. The methodology is based on the coordinated development of the four basic skills and a use of different, contemporary varieties of the language. In order to achieve this goal, teaching in the classroom actively uses the technologies of information and communication. Several courses on the use of the language for specific purposes have also been added to the curriculum in the past years. The plans for improvement established by the EOI de Madrid-Jesús Maestro that are hoped to be accomplished by the Proposals of Mobility are focused on the following goals: 1. To facilitate the updating of knowledge and use of the current language as well as cultural and social realities of the countries where the languages are spoken. 2. To enable the updating of teachers in the latest pedagogical strategies in teaching foreign languages and to develop their own material for teaching. 3. To ensure that teachers know the theory and practice about motivation in learning and teaching in order to incorporate these components into daily classroom practice. The activities proposed are six mobilities included in the KA1 Mobility Project for adult education staff with a duration between 5 and 12 days to attend courses in France, the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic. In accordance with the goals described in the improvement plan, we have chosen two activities for the updating in the use of the language, cultural panorama and knowledge of the contemporary society. For the updating of teachers in pedagogical theory and development of teaching materials, we have chosen two activities, one in French specifically on pedagogical strategies and another one in English on the development of teaching materials in English as a second language. And thirdly, to develop the connection with emotional intelligence we have chosen two activities, one on motivation in learning and teaching process, and another one on how to stimulate creative thinking. The participants are teachers from several departments with solid language and academic preparation and a teaching experience of more than five years. In their daily teaching, they already incorporate some of the elements listed above and wish to update their knowledge and to share them with other teachers in their departments and the rest of colleagues in the school. Teachers will follow the courses selected and, once they have returned to Spain and academic course 2015-2016 has started, they will have an opportunity to present the results of their learning experience in their respective departments. In a second instance the information will be shared with all school teachers in faculty meetings. In a third phase, the participating teachers could also share their experiences with all teachers of the Comunidad de Madrid through the teacher training activities organized by CRIF Las Acacias (Regional Teacher Training Centre) and various CTIF (Local Teacher Training Centre) of the region where they could participate as speakers/lecturers. The benefit of the activities mentioned in this project can be seen at different levels. At a first level, it will reflect on the individual teacher training; at a second it will have an impact on the teachers and their students in their groups in their teaching; and at a third level which will include all members of the educational community and the school as a whole, and the group of teachers from schools in the Community of Madrid.
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