Search for European Projects 2012-13
Start date: Dec 1, 2012, 2012-13 seeks to expand transnational mobility of art(ists) and intercultural dialogue by developing a common identity without frontiers focusing on new&old migratory flows.The project starts this dialogue on a European scale with 6 partners from BE,NL,FR,GB, SE & RS. To empower the different partners & artists in their contemporary European intercultural ambitions, emphasises on a critical reflection on the European canon. It does so trough the development of an artistic practice with European artists with Arabic background and by promoting the participation of artists with extra-European backgrounds in the regular art institutions. The project starts with 5 artistic exchanging productions: 1. Bequett, international theatre by S.Saad El Hamus(NL) with 7 actors with an Arabic background from different European countries inspired by the evolution of Samuel Beckett’s canon2. Masculines, international dance by H.Fattoumi&E.Lamoureux(FR) about orientalism questioning the imprisoning image of oriental women as phantasm in the imaginary of occidental men3. Waiting, a research project curated by M.Rasem(BE) who will ask 3 other artists:Y.Abbas(NL),N.Obracevic(RS)&A.Haring(BE/NL) and students from RITS-Brussels (BE), IT DNA-Amsterdam (NL) and ISADAC-Rabat (MA) to reflect on ‘waiting (for Godot)’ and the recent wars with their growing alienation, in each 20’4. The Arabic-European Literary saloon with 4 former winners of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction accompanied by improvisatory music from M.Elias(SE)5. Arab Look, a visual art production with 6 European photographers with an Arabic background.These productions will be disseminated in the whole of Europe. Launching bridges between cultures, will add European art houses to establish a network for/with art(ists) with Arabic roots. Therefore we will elaborate the platform to promote European artists with Arabic background in their dialogue with the regular European art scene.

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5 Partners Participants