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Motivating pupils in the English Language Classroom & Teaching other subjects in English
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We need to enhance the quality of English language teaching in the school and also to get the proper vocabulary for teaching lessons in History, Physics, Maths or Geography in English language because pupils need a good level of English when they leave school. The courses also will lead to an increase of the students' motivation, so that they can leave school with skills necessary to communicate effectively in English with other European countries in their working career. We expect to get to know new didactic and methodic approaches which we can implement in our English lessons and also in second subjects like History, Geography or Physics. We also expect to be positive role-models for our pupils, so that they can see that lifelong learning is not only a buzz phrase,but it is also executed and carried out in practice by their teachers. With our enthusiasm and our increased motivation we will be able to motivate and enthuse our pupils to use English as a working language. Also within the aim to participate in another strategic school partnership it is very important for us that our school team keeps up a good level of English and also our pupils should be able to communicate in English language. We want to extend our teaching and learning competences for using and realizing them in our classrooms for didactic and methodic transfer and implementation. The participants are the English teacher of the team who has led 5 Comenius projects in our school and works as a teacher trainer for the pedagogic university of Vienna. Since 1992 she teaches English, History, Geography, Music and Art in our school. The teacher for special needs education of the team who is in her second year of teaching, before teaching she finished her studies in psychology and she chose the course to get more competence in using English language at school. The German teacher ,who works in our school for more than 25 years up to now and teaches German, Art and Handicraft. Due to the fact that she had problems with her level of English during our last Comenius project she needs to improve her language knowledge because she would like to participate in further projects. She chose the English Language Course held by Graham Workman to learn English authentically from a native who is very experienced. The Maths teacher chose an English course to have a certain level of English before she can start teaching some Maths lessons in English. Her language level is around A2 and she needs improvement. The teacher for Maths, Physics and Chemistry teaches since 2009 those subjects in our school. He did a lot of work for our Comenius project, usually participates in the "Science Week Austria" & holds courses like "Plus Lucis" for teachers in cooperation with the PH Vienna. In 2011 he was the winner of the VCÖ-teacher award. He chose the course because of his big interest as a teacher of pupils from 10-14 to make natural sciences more attractive for them. The headmistress leads our school since September 2013 and is responsible for our school development and the school quality of general education. She is also chairwoman of the exams taken in our school for young people who didn't finish their education. So early school leaving and dropout is a very explosive topic for us. The teacher for Art and Design, the Music teacher and the Drama and Theatre teacher offer a lot of creative subjects in our school. They would like to get practical, new ideas for the classroom use and compare their kind of teaching with other European colleagues. They hope to get new inspiration and ideas for teaching at school and develop links with teachers from other countries. Also the improvement of their language skills for teaching those subjects at school in English is an important issue. The Geography teacher chose a CLIL course to become acquaintained with the field of work. The training courses will offer us a great potential for continuing education. We are going to have the possibility of getting to know people from other speech communities and different cultural communities, to work together with them, to meet them more broad-minded and to abolish possible prejudices. The courses offer us heightened certainty in the use of the English language, whereby our pupils and colleagues will be motivated in addition. Comparable, effective education and training for English teachers and other teachers are not offered by the PH Wien and are not available in Austria. As an effect we expect from the courses a more authentic examination and application with the English language and a very remarkable improvement of the language level of the participants.
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