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moting women’s entrepreneurship in social and health care sector (Forte)
Start date: Apr 30, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Increased opportunities does not automatically mean more businesses! Regions Päijät-Häme and Östergötland, recognises and shares the ambition with the Central Baltic programme, the importance of developing new business opportunities. The transmission from a public health care to a mix of public and private provides a wide range of new business opportunities, especially for women’s entrepreneurship. But the increasing opportunities for women to become entrepreneurs does not automatically mean that more women will start their own businesses. Project Forte origins from regional needs in both partner regions with unutilized entrepreneurial skills. Project partners will find common solutions to a shared problem by the actions in the project. Activities targeted at supporting and promoting women’s entrepreneurship is always an issue of great matter but actions to support entrepreneurship in social and health care is of specific importance due to the changes and big potential in the sector. Forte, a synonym for speciality or strong point, is divided into four Work packages. WP1: Project management and coordination WP2: Communication and dissemination WP3: Working with attitudes and awareness raising WP4: Entrepreneurial teaching – Models and pilot case. Forte will raise awareness and create positive attitudes towards entrepreneurship amongst target groups in social and health care sector by joint model development and piloting. In order to create skilful entrepreneurs in partner regions competence building is needed. Forte will achieve increased knowledge on entrepreneurship and improved entrepreneurial skills amongst target groups in social and health care sector by joint development and piloting of models for entrepreneurial teaching at universities. Activities are: WP3: Work shops and seminars, hot spot centre at university, joint development of information package, entrepreneurship days. WP4: documentation of existing models, joint development of a new model for entrepreneurial teaching, piloting. The partnership consists of five partners from Finland and Sweden, two universities, two regional authorities and an organisation established for general needs, all with previous experience from working in regional actions. The innovative approach of the project, improving entrepreneurial skills and spirits in a specific sector in a collaboration involving universities and regional authorities will give a direct impact on the participating regions level of entrepreneurship. The cross border joint modelling, piloting, exchange of experiences, and dissemination of good practice is the cross border added value. An effective communication with special focus on Estonia and Latvia ensures effect beyond the partners. By a Best Practice book and academic articles the project results will reach the programme area and provide durability to the project results. Achievements: The Forte project had its roots in regional needs in both partner regions with non-utilised entrepreneurial skills. The project set out to increase knowledge of entrepreneurship and improve entrepreneurial skills amongst students, employees and the unemployed in the social and health care sector. The project activities built on two main themes: promoting more positive attitudes towards entrepreneurship and piloting new entrepreneurial ways of teaching and learning in higher education in the social and health care sector. The piloting of new models included for example teaching entrepreneurship through an e-learning course and by piloting student co-operative companies in educational programmes.
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  • 75%   754 229,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Central Baltic (FI-SE-EE-LA)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants