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„Мостове към бъдещето – мотивиране на учениците за изучаване на езици чрез иновационни методи в обучението”
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project "Bridges to the Future – motivating students to learn languages through innovative methods in teaching" is to create stable conditions for improving the quality and practical competences of the students in foreign language and other key skills. This can be achieved by improving the qualification of the teaching and non-teaching staff in the Geo Milev Secondary School and by encouraging the mastery and application of modern and innovative methods and approaches of teaching and learning. The project aims to encourage language learning and diversity within the European Union; to enhance awareness about the studied European languages, to promote the benefits of learning foreign languages in general and in particular to encourage the study of the selected languages, to create a favourable environment for learning foreign languages by developing a methodology and language products for acquisition of basic language skills. By exchanging and integrating in the learning process good practices taken from the European education system and by encouraging contacts with schools in other European countries, students are going to expand their horizons and increase the European dimension of the participating institutions and their representatives. In the training courses are included primary school teachers, English teachers in secondary school and non-teaching staff. They are motivated to enhance their professional skills and ambitious to further develop their personal skills. All of them qualify for the general and specific criteria set by the school. The activities are focused on improving language skills needed for communication in an intercultural environment, improving the qualification of primary school teachers in terms of understanding the modern and innovative practices for training, exchange of experience, professional ideas and opinions with teachers from other EU countries for the implementation of modern and creative teaching approaches. Moreover, the project provides an opportunity to familiarize teachers with other educational systems, such as the English, Italian, Polish and Finnish in order to compare the efficiency and make the best use of the individual system’s strengths, and ensure that the curriculum in use is up-to-date. In the course of the project the participation in international meetings and trainings is foreseen. The educational materials developed during the events will afterwards be shared. The materials include: implementation guidelines for the eTwinning project; the created and distributed presentations and videos, curriculum breakdowns for individual classes, educational workshops for trainers and etc. Improving personal skills and competences of teachers involving in the project will have a positive impact on pupils, parents and teaching staff of all partner schools, particularly on Geo Milev Secondary School. Acquired creative and modern teaching methods will help with stimulating the students' interest to learn, overcome the problem of unexcused absences and early school leaving, as chosen methods are oriented toward a highly motivating personality of students through technology, art and creativity. The experimental use of the method of the language integrated learning (CLIL) at Primary classroom will initiate during the project, and immediately after its completion it will be introduced through the curriculum as elective courses. That’s why we see the experience acquired by the teachers during the trainings and monitoring phase as crucial. Newly acquired knowledge and skills will be integrated and applied in practical work not only in classes but also in extracurricular educational activities. Other international cultural projects will be applied in the work. The school will consolidate its name as an educational institution with high standards and goals that operates and invests in their achievement. Numerous indoor and outdoor school activities /on regional, national and international level/ will be implemented for distribution and dissemination of the results during the whole project. Via diverse electronic platforms such as the school website, the electronic network of teachers-innovators, eTwinning platform and other professional and public media we will be periodically providing information about the objectives and methods of the project, methodical products developed during the training and exchange of good practices. The project will be presented to the parents’ community in order to improve the image of the Bulgarian teacher and the school as an educational institution. This way the benefits of the project will reach a vast number of recipients and ensure the widespread use as pedagogical and intercultural practice established along the course of the project. The bridges to the future, which we are building, are an opportunity for our students to succeed in a united Europe.

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