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More Europe through social mobility
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project "More Europe through social mobility" explicitly promotes shortterm services for young people with social disadvantages. Our aim with this project is to encourage youngster through those mobility programmes to try something new and overcome thier own (country) boarders und to support them to reach their own individual learning goals. This includes to enhance their mobility, selfconfidence, intergration, self-refelction, identity development, social and intercultural competences and language skills as well as to promote more appreciation of their multicultural identity through international friendships. Our traget group shall develop a higher european awareness in this process. The youngsters will be supported for and during their service through an intense preparation, a good monitoring, in cooperation with our foreign partners during and after their service as well as being guided in thier personal development and in their professional qualification and orientation. Two volunteers will take part in and theater and monument preservation projekt for three weeks in Austria during the summer holidays. Two more volunteers will take part in a social project that works with a divers range of children and youth in Gaziantep Turkey for 4 weeks. The project opens the opportunity for social engagement on a european level and to live solidarity and tolerance towards children and youngsters of different cultures as well as the other volunteers in those projects. "creativity and culture" will be prometed when the volunteers create own contributions, about topics that are important to them, to the projects. IN VIA experiences an expansion of our own projects and horizons through engaging in international volunteer services. The hosting projects will gain more internationality and will be enriched by competences that the volunteers can bring to their projects, because of their mulit-national identities.

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