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Mokinių ir absolventų praktika užsienio verslo įmonėse
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project „Students and graduates practice in foreign enterprises“ is to improve participants‘ professional practical skills as well as communication in foreign languages, entrepreneurship, social and intercultural competences in order to achieve successful integration opportunities into the contemporary labor market.Project implementation period: 01-06-2016 – 31-05-2017.Project participants - 36 initial vocational training level, I - II year students, including 18 students studying for agricultural production business worker vocation, 9 - under the technical maintenance business worker, 4 - decorator (builder), 3 - florist, 2 - under the car mechanic training programs and 4 - agricultural production business employee specialty graduates.Five participants’ flows are expected for a four-week educational practice from October 2016 to April 2017. The locations of internship implementation are Austria, Germany, Poland, and Italy. In Austria training will be done by agricultural production business employee specialty students and graduates; decorator (builder) and technique maintenance business employee vocation students. Future farmers and technique maintenance business employee specialty students will implement internship in Germany. Internships by a car mechanic, technique maintenance business employee, and florist specialties students will be implemented in Poland. Agricultural production business employee specialty students will go for training to Italy. During the mobilities, all participants will practice in business companies: future farmers or graduates in agriculture companies, car mechanics - in car repairing companies; technique maintenance workers - in agricultural equipment and auto vehicles repair companies, decorators (builders) – in construction companies, florists – in flower shops.After implementation of the project, the following results will be achieved, the following skills will be gained: Agricultural production business employees (students and graduates) will gain such practical skills as:growing and maintaining leguminous, technical, agricultural crops and various vegetables; looking after cattle (cows) on the farm, farm work, milking cows, to do an initial milk preparation, working with some of the self-propelled agricultural machines and maintain them.Technique maintenance business employees will gain practical skills such as performing maintenance for some specific machinery, repairing of agricultural machinery assemblies and mechanisms, operating agricultural machinery;Decorator (builder) will acquire practical skills in the production of simple wood products; stuccoing different surfaces with simple and improved plaster;Florists will acquire practical skills such as serving customers, looking after houseplants, composing plants together.Car mechanics will acquire practical skills such as analysing faults in automotive mechanisms, evaluating the technical condition of the car, repairing some of the automotive assemblies and mechanisms.Participation in mobility will improve these key competences (of the participants): communication in foreign languages, entrepreneurship, social and intercultural.Achievements of mobility participants will get evaluation certificates, the Europass Mobility document marks that will be included in the vocational subjects and practical training assessments using ECVET (in Austria for students of agricultural production business employee training program).Working experience gained during the practice in foreign businesses will allow project participants to become more competitive and better integrate into national and EU labour market. These project participants working careers of the future will contribute to Lithuania’s and the EU's economic growth.

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