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Moderný, inovatívny učiteľ vychováva štastných žiakov.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project “The modern, innovative teacher educates happy students” , we have developed to try to get a grant from Erasmus + mobility of workers in the school. Slovakia has undergone many educational sector reforms, which brought various changes in training methods, forms, goals and curriculum. The role of the teacher in the classroom has changed. Prescriptive method of teaching replace humanistic methods in teaching. Knowledge of foreign languages on the basis of the current requirements of becoming an integral part of education at all levels of education. Therefore, even in our school try to prepare students in the English language to be able to use a foreign language in real life. So we managed to achieve these goals, our teachers by participating in various projects seeking to improve their teaching skills. This project will attend two qualified teachers of English in Primary School Gemerská Poloma - Ingrid Hajdúková and Danka Balážová. Their participation in the courses' CLIL for Secondary Teachers "and" Methodology & Language for Primary Teachers "can help them all to improve professional competence, readiness to change in terms of modernization and internationalization of schools and improve the quality of teaching English, thus coming closer to the goal of our school programm. We look forward to gaining new experience in the field of education that we can apply to our English lessons. We believe that for our students will make a significant contribution and that they will be much more like a new creative activity as the traditional ones. We expect that students will be more motivated to show more interest in foreign language learning will be more fun for them. We believe that participation in mobility will be a major contribution to our school and give it a European dimension - the introduction of new approaches, new ideas and theories in teaching English. Education in an English speaking country, we can better understand the differences and similarities between peoples, which can help us in our future cooperation from schools with schools in other countries.
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