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Modernización de áreas metodológicas en la enseñanza de idiomas en la EOI de Albacete
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project aims to cover the needs for professional training by the teachers at the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas in Albacete, Spain, the largest EOI in the region of Castilla-La Mancha. With a growing number of people who demand learning a foreign language effectively, the teachers feel the need to update their knowledge and expertise and adapt to the new times and challenges by focusing on improvements in foreign language skills, teaching methodology, use of technology, improvement in the testing techniques, fostering a better understanding of the culture or customs in the country where the foreign language is spoken. Our main objective is METHODOLOGY, which we would like to update as we have realized that in some areas teachers in general are not aware of some teaching techniques that would make a difference in terms of quality and would provide that boost our institution needs to become a thoroughly MODERNIZED institution for the teaching of foreign languages.As a result, the school management has taken this initiative to make it possible for nine members of staff to do some courses and job-shadowing experiences abroad. The choice of these mobilities is the result of the needs that have been observed, for which we have chosen prestigious institutions:- Methodology that is more specific for our school: a course that focuses on teaching adults and another one on teaching advanced levels- Methodology that makes more active use of technology: a course to learn how to use video and images in the language class- Methodology that goes hand in hand with the testing methods: a course on spoken English and language testing- Methodology that makes use of cultural features: a course on how to teach cultural aspects about the UK and another one on drama and literature in language teaching- Three job-shadowing experiences: one to the Netherlands to study the methodology used there that allows students to reach a very high standard of English and two to Germany, where we would like to observe on the spot some examples of best practice regarding the use of materials, digital tools and language testingAll the activities will be monitored before, during and after the project. The teachers involved will have to answer a questionnaire to check whether the objectives have been reached and take part in a workshop or seminar in order to share the outcomes. We will be using a validation tool like Europass and we will try to create contact networks with other European institutions for future collaboration (strategic alliances, for example), which will improve the process of INTERNATIONALIZATION of our school. Communication will be a key element in the project between the National Agency representatives, the project coordinator, the teachers involved, the school management team and the foreign institutions where the mobilities will take place, using the latest technological tools.The outcomes of the project will also be shared with other colleagues at the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas as well as other teachers from different fields in education and regions, and the participants will be encouraged to participate in workshops or conventions. The dissemination activities, which will involve the use of digital and printed material, will help achieve a bigger and more sustainable impact. The participants will take part in a series of activities which will deal with students' academic results, changes in attitudes by teachers and students, changes in cultural clichés and improvement in language skills.The impact of the project will be enormous due to the large number of students at our school (around 3,500). The improvement in the teaching methodology or knowledge acquired by the teachers in the courses abroad will help our students to find a job or enhance their opportunities to find work abroad. The mid and long-term impact will be enormous too: more developed language and teaching skills by many of our students who are also teachers at bilingual schools in Spain will have an impact on their primary and secondary school pupils. Some impact that is more difficult to quantify will be a better understanding of foreign culture and way of doing things, which will help us reach one of the key objectives in the EU: more mobility by European citizens within Europe and more equal opportunities for all.
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